Configuration files for l-band and AIO

Hello, I am struggling to connect to L-band using the configuration file for the 1.13 firmware. If anyone has used L-band with the V4.5 AIO or with aogconfigomatic and is willing to send me their configuration files, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

The HPG 1.13 firmware for f9p modules is not compatible with the SSR Pointperfect service. Use HPG firmware version 1.32 instead. See here

The thing is when i upload that software my aio doesn’t recognise the gps anymore. And I can’t really get l band acces on that either, I tried the ublox tutorial and still I couldn’t.

if you are uploading new firmware then keep in mind that your UART ports will probably have to be properly reconfigured to allow the flow of data between d9s->f9P->AIO board. Make sure your UART2 baud rates match on the D9S and F9P. The baud rate for UART1 on the F9P should be set to 460800. Please refer to this video for more detailed information on how to configure your boards for receiving the Pointperfect service, but ignore the part for input of the security keys in ucenter if you are using the altered code for your AIO board already. ALso, make sure your antenna supports receiving l-band corrections. Otherwise none of this will work. Keep in mind that the corrections over l-band are much slower than the ip version of point perfect. You only receive a correction at best every 20 seconds which is doable for straight lines in the field, but probably not going to help much for doing proper u-turns.

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What is your modules model number?

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I’m away from my receiver so I can’t tell, can’t find anything on ardusimple, I have an simple rtk2bpro though if that helps. I purchased that damn expensive thousand euro simple ssr starter kit, should have gone with the basic 200 euro kit at this point. It’s been almost 2 weeks of fumbling around trying to get this to work, emailing back and forth and now they want me to pay an extra 100 euro for them to configure it for myself. Sorry ardusimple, ain’t doing that :). I got a 7cm accuracy from the antenna alone after I activated all the bands but the antenna drift is killing me.

So just to clarify

You are not using RTK?
You want to use L5 band, the ublox paid service? Or
Trying to use an SBAS like WAAS?

From the picture on the website its an 02B so it can use WAAS

What antenna are you using with this system?

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I am not using rtk because I have no acces to a base station, I am trying to use the paid service, I am using the Calibrated Survey GNSS Multiband antenna. If its a 02b it would be crazy since ardusimple sells a kit literally designed for l-band (the one I bought). If that’s true and it is the 02b model than i’m guessing the l band is going to be received by my neo-d9s, otherwise I don’t know how it’s gonna work.

Is it this kit that you purchased:

This seems the only one in the price range you mentioned (with a single receiver).

I understand you need to feed correction data from internet with this setup.

This is the one.

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OK, another one at the 1000 € price range. This one indeed looks like it should be able to read correction data from an L-band satellite.

@bluerabbit was also trying to get this to work. Was also having one hell of a time. What is the model number of the chip on the board?

I found this pic in my phone, it’s an 04b.

So the good news is it should be the right one.

Next thing to check is that the sticker on the antenna says L1/L2 L5.

The stock aog file is for 02B

You are in very new territory, I do not remember reading anyone being successful yet.

I would do these steps

Get the latest version of ucenter.
Have whatever documentation or unlock code that gets you your 1 year of SSR corrections.

Set the F9P to stock settings

Try to get someone at Ublox to help get it getting corrections. After its working we can show you any additional changes to talk to AOG.

I talked to xlbean about it and apparently he has a system working, and I did see some posts about l band but if it’s a new area of discussion then i’ll try to make a post explaining everything if I manage to get it working.

Yes, I can confirm I have had l-band running on my AOG system since December of last year. I am going to make some changes to my tutorial to make it more clear on how to get it running on the AIO standard board. Would it be helpful if I shared my configuration files for the f9p and d9s? Unfortunately the first real stress test of our l-band system was right in the middle of that solar storm here in Ontario which threw us for a bit of a curve. However, once that tapered off it ended up working fine for our purposes. We never quite ended up getting our U-turn figured out though due to time constraints. Does running a smaller implement size (planter) and having larger correction interval timings (greater than 25 seconds between corrections) hamper setting up a proper u-turn with this AOG software? The downside of this l-band service is that you are bottle-necked by data rate of the corrections coming in from an inmarsat satellite at a very shallow angle from the horizon. But if its used as a backup service than its probably quite a bit better than some alternatives. It would be interesting to see a new AIO board and/or firmware which utilizes the capability of pointperfect as a backup for emergencies in case ntrip or radios fail for whatever reason.


It would definetly help me if you posted your configs. I’m curious if the correction time is different in europe, i’m pretty sure it won’t be but who knows.

You are only receiving the corrections coming in from from the geostationary satellite at a fixed data rate of 2400 bps, so that’s your main bottleneck. You also have to consider the amount of atmosphere that transmission has to get through to your antenna. Talk to your u-blox representative to figure out which inmarsat satellite your receiver is connecting to in your region. Once you find that out this site can help to determine your look angle. :

How does calculating my look angle help?

The shallower the angle relative to the horizon, the higher the likelihood of more interference from atmosphere, obstructions etc etc. If its less shallow of an angle, then you’ll likely have better service with l-band.