Deere Mobile / mRTK RTCM corrections

This cable is to connect an external receiver to a John Deere monitor via Serial? In the photo you can see the pins for COM1 or COM2


this help?
GS2 Third Party Controller Harness Kit - GS2ThirdPartyControllerHarnessPF90363kit.pdf (406.1 KB)

Are you aware if the CRG have a radio modem fitted or are they for use with NTRIP only?

You can use any external GPS receiver to do mapping on a Greenstar monitor. But autotrac requires a Starfire receiver that communicates over CAN bus.

CRG has an internal serial port that you can plug a radio modem into. You can order the CRG with a built-in radio, or you can open it up and install one yourself, which is what I did. Also the serial port is available on an external plug, so you can plug in a radio externally if desired.

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Thanks for your response. I quizzed Agra on this as well and got an email back just now. Response as follows

“In this case we will provide you a connection for serial signal input. You will have to create a cable with to connect to your radio set up”

A little vague unfortunately but kind of suggests that they don’t have anything to do with the radio modem side unfortunately

I went a bit further and purchased the domain and have and

If you have jdlink then it’s super simple to get started

Do you have any further info on what messages you are sending the Starfire Reciever?

I have an SF3000 with SF2 and RTK activations, and a mobile RTK subscription, and was trying to push RTCM corrections into the serial port (same as I use with F9P) but could never get it to estalish RTK…

I haven’t sniffed it but should be RTCM , no? Over rs232

Hi Darren

The message types I’m sending to the 4g modem are

I would be interested to know, if these could be inputted to a starfire receiver, without john Deere’s modem

unfortunately rtk dos not get around the interference problems. I ended up having to buy an sf6000 and transfer my activations. as i was constantly having issues. although i have since heard of people connecting an external antenna to the sf3000, with no issues.

you could try connecting to my known working base, and feed the sf3000 with serial data. if you like?

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Thanks for the info, im fairly sure I have tried that exact set of messages but had no joy… But once harvest is over and I have some spare minutes, I will sit in the yard and try again…Imagine your base station would be to far away to get an RTK fix for me anyway?

I really want it to work, but havent had any joy yet, was wondering if the deere modems sent some sort of data to the display and without that it just wont listen for RTCM anyway…but ive read that other third part modems do work…so I feel like it should be possible…

How come using RTK didnt get rid of the interfearance issue? As far as im aware the issue is with the freq SF1 is on? And if using RTK obviously the SF1 isnt needed? If running on RTK dosnt even fix it then entire thing is entirely pointless! Just trying to avoid having to kit the combine out with AOG if possible!

My base is near Penzance, i cant remember where you said you where based last time we spoke.
Its certainly possible, knowing deere, that the receiver needs to talk to the modem.
If your using an F9P as your base still. I have had next to no joy getting a good fix from one. only with the starfire stationary next to the base it would fix. I bit the bullet and brought a trimble Netr9 in the end which works flawlessly.

As for the interference the sf3000 for some reason drops the rtk signal, when its not tracking an SF signal, no idea why when it doesn’t need it, possible something to do with the fallback. the older SF6000 domes which get problems with inferference, work fine when on rtk.

Probably the easyiest thing to try, is a 3rd party external antenna, plugged into the SF3000. you will have to take the bracket apart to access the port, as iv heard people running on SF1 and rtk with no interference issues. i assume you will have to change the antenna position in the display to that of the external one.

Ah, sorry didnt realise you were so close, in that case would be worth a try…Could you PM me the url etc?

And yes still uisng F9P as base, as used with two tractors using F9P rovers…

Thats intereseting… What a typical issue to happen for no reason, if thats the case than this entire project is largely pointless, as I dont particually want / need RTK on the combine, its just to try and stop the interfearance issue, which this year on some farms has been a nightmare (steering dissconnecting every 10 seconds at times!

Interesting about the antenna thing, what type of antenna are people using? I havent heard about this before…

yea no worries

sounds like the exact problem i was experiencing 18 months ago, constant disengaging, oddly it was worse going one way down the field than the other.

I’m trying to find the post, I read about the external antenna. I’m struggling to find it, i will keep looking. sadly i found it after changing it for a 6000, so i never got to try it out. the antenna looked similar to a Trimble Zephyr Model 2. but i guess you could try any antenna you have lying around

Thats interesting as I have found the exact same… To be fair 90% of the fields so far this year, not a single problem at all…but a few have been sods… But I have also found going on way most of the time wouldnt dissconnect once, but going the other way would be lucky to go 10 meters, if at all… Absulute nightmare!

I cant picture the antenna connection on the bottom to know what it is, will take another out its shroud to see, ive got two SF300’s as it happens.

I guess they do ship a cell module for NTRIP. Radio is pretty easy, though. I use Digi SX modules with a MAX3232 adapter to convert it to RS232 which as I mentioned there’s an internal header that can be used. Everything is tucked inside my receivers with only the antenna poked out the back.

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Ok. Was it easy enough for you to do these mods yourself?

The antenna connection is in the center above the deutsch connector

So sending just RTCM from a radio, into the starfire serial pins gives you an RTK fix no problem? With mobile RTK subscription or not?