So as an avid user of AgOpenGPS in both tractors for many years, it pains me to make this topic, but needs must…
I run a Deere Combine with integrated autosteer / yield monitoring etc, I would be lost without the yield monitor and obviously the autotrac, I have always just used it on SF1 as is all thats been required for steering a combine etc.
However due to new issues with 4/5g mobile signals interfearing with the SF1 correction freq, this is now a problem… Now I could convert the entire machine to also steer on AOG, but this seems alot of hassle given its ready to go as is, and id still need the greenstar signal for the yield monitor…
So I have now got a SF3000 reciever, which is SF2 Ready and RTK unlocked, and has a mrtk / mobile RTK subscription on it… My understanding was that I could then input normal RTCM correction via the serial input (the one the deere radios use pin 8?) and would be good to go on RTK using my existing base station (RTKbase / SNIP) that I use for my AOG setups…
However all I can achieve is the kb’s increasing in the SF300 config page, but no RTK fix. Has anyone else personally got an RTK setup working with mobile RTK on a deere setup WITHOUT using a john deere 4g modem? If so, could you share any information? As I cant seem to make it work, have compared messages to other jdmrtk bases and I think I am using the correct ones…
Am wondering if the official Deere mobile RTK modems handshake with the reciever and unless you have this, it simply dosnt work, but have read threads online wher people talk about using 3rd party recievers so I assumed this would be possible…
Have got mobile rtk set to “RTCM”, have got serial settings matching both sides, kb’s increase when i turn it on, but just EGNOS signal / no change…
If you figure it out, let us know for sure. This is of interest to me.
Pretty sure the Deere monitor can do mapping and yield monitoring with GPS from any source over serial. So you should be able to setup AOG to do the steering, and feed GPS into the Deere monitor for everything else. As far as I’m aware, only Autotrac requires a genuine Deere receiver.
Another alternative is to sell the SF3000 (should fetch a decent price with those unlocks) and buy the Agra-GPS CRG receiver, which will talk to your RTCM base station just fine, and provide RTK for AutoTrac. Been using two of these receivers for a couple of years now on my Deere autotrac machines and am happy with them.
It is a long shot, but there are multiple rtcm messages that are proprietary. Your system may be looking for a specific message or even a specific version of rtcm. Is it possible to sniff the messages that work?
I’ve started experimenting with RTKonnect to inject NTRIP corrections to various brands. Haven’t looked at Deere yet.
You’ll want copies of BNC and SNIP demo to tinker with. I’ve been down this path trying to get AgLeader Paradyme working and figured out my NTRIP source wasn’t including some of the legacy messages. SNIP demo can show you what is already in the message tream and can recreate several legacy messages that might be necessary.
Yes have read that thread, but no joy with just those messages sadly…
I have monitored some other mount points that are apparently used with JD recievers, and as far as I can see I am sending the same messages, but I think i must be doing something wrong…
CRG has an internal serial port that you can plug a radio modem into. You can order the CRG with a built-in radio, or you can open it up and install one yourself, which is what I did. Also the serial port is available on an external plug, so you can plug in a radio externally if desired.
Do you have any further info on what messages you are sending the Starfire Reciever?
I have an SF3000 with SF2 and RTK activations, and a mobile RTK subscription, and was trying to push RTCM corrections into the serial port (same as I use with F9P) but could never get it to estalish RTK…
The message types I’m sending to the 4g modem are
I would be interested to know, if these could be inputted to a starfire receiver, without john Deere’s modem
unfortunately rtk dos not get around the interference problems. I ended up having to buy an sf6000 and transfer my activations. as i was constantly having issues. although i have since heard of people connecting an external antenna to the sf3000, with no issues.
you could try connecting to my known working base, and feed the sf3000 with serial data. if you like?
Thanks for the info, im fairly sure I have tried that exact set of messages but had no joy… But once harvest is over and I have some spare minutes, I will sit in the yard and try again…Imagine your base station would be to far away to get an RTK fix for me anyway?
I really want it to work, but havent had any joy yet, was wondering if the deere modems sent some sort of data to the display and without that it just wont listen for RTCM anyway…but ive read that other third part modems do work…so I feel like it should be possible…
How come using RTK didnt get rid of the interfearance issue? As far as im aware the issue is with the freq SF1 is on? And if using RTK obviously the SF1 isnt needed? If running on RTK dosnt even fix it then entire thing is entirely pointless! Just trying to avoid having to kit the combine out with AOG if possible!
My base is near Penzance, i cant remember where you said you where based last time we spoke.
Its certainly possible, knowing deere, that the receiver needs to talk to the modem.
If your using an F9P as your base still. I have had next to no joy getting a good fix from one. only with the starfire stationary next to the base it would fix. I bit the bullet and brought a trimble Netr9 in the end which works flawlessly.
As for the interference the sf3000 for some reason drops the rtk signal, when its not tracking an SF signal, no idea why when it doesn’t need it, possible something to do with the fallback. the older SF6000 domes which get problems with inferference, work fine when on rtk.
Probably the easyiest thing to try, is a 3rd party external antenna, plugged into the SF3000. you will have to take the bracket apart to access the port, as iv heard people running on SF1 and rtk with no interference issues. i assume you will have to change the antenna position in the display to that of the external one.