Digi SX (PRO) / Ardusimple LR (XLR) Radio compatiblity

Hi @Kevin, how are your repeaters working?
Can you tell me how you made them?
I’m referring to how you powered the LR/XLR radios.

Working amazing! Can order cheap xbee adapter from Amazon to power. I also bought xbee adapters from ardusimple. Either one works fine. Mobile version made to mount to tripod with 5/8" nut welded to bottom plate

Permanent install

I’m glad it works well, its configuration is very robust, it will be much easier to get corrections in all my fields this way.
My idea is to use the XLR radio, it requires more power than the LR, and apparently these xbee adapters don’t provide enough power, Ardusimple itself says no.
However, using a step down, setting it to 3.3V and feeding directly to the radio pins should work.
Thanks for the images.

Thanks. I haven’t seen that. Good to know. They’ve done what I need with cheap sockets. Would like to test to see how much difference it makes. Yes, perform pins would be best bet.

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