I’m in the early stages of learning how to tune AOG to drive straight and I have a question about RTK.
My system is connected to the internet via hotspot and is receiving RTK corrections from a station roughly 70 miles away. Does this distance mean that my tractor will never be able to track a perfectly straight line? Or should my tractor be able to track a perfectly straight line regardless of RTK, but the position of that line might be off without RTK?
Here is a picture of my tracks following an AB line after following the setup wizard for auto steer.
Does this look like a tuning issue or an RTK issue?
Looks like a tunning issue. You can try setting up your autosteer settings again, but this time try single antena only, rtk off. My first system was tunned like this and works the best so far. Maybe luck, maybe not.
It also might help to watch the light bar at the top of the screen as you are trying to follow the AB line. If it is wandering off of the zero more than 1-2 before trying to correct itself that should help confirm that it’s a tuning issue but I agree with the others, that’s what it looks like.
Open the xte chart and watch it while you drive. See how much error you have. If the lines follow each other closely and you have a wavy track like that in the snow, that means the tractor steering is closely following gps instructions. That would then mean you have poor gps accuracy as it is not producing a very straight path for autosteer to follow.
If it’s the other way around, if one line on the chart is fairly stable, but the other line crosses over it back and forth that means, the steering is over correcting for a smooth gps instruction and you need to work on your steering settings.
70km is a far distance for the nearest RTK base station.