I would just like to post some progress pictures of a dual antenna GPS setup I have been working on. Many thanks to @MTZ8302 for his work porting to the ESP32/Dual GPS/UDP and his help troubleshooting.
I am still waiting on some new SMA connector to shorten up the GPS cables but other than that, I am pretty happy with the setup. just requires power/gnd and the rest is done via WIFI. It uses two sparkfun breakout boards for the ZED-F9P receivers and of course an ESP32 au the uC. It all fits - just - in an EEC from Deutsch and uses 2 UBlox aerials.
Really nice, thanks for sharing. That’s gonna be useful to me.
Did you find waterproof radio connectors to put on the roof (I can’t manage to find a solution about that) ? Do you plan to make the whole setup removable to mount it on different machines ? Is the connector waterproof enough (There seems to be a big hole on front where wires are inserted) ?
By the way, on the first picture, you seem to have a long antenna (Cibi I guess) that’s gonna get in the line of sight of your GNSS antennas. You may want to avoid that.