Dual GPS setups

Could be a problem related to your RTK base. What kind of setup do you have there?

If you have a F9P + RaspBerry Pi and U are also running the inject RTCM 1008 python script U should update it as there was two bugs in the code. It was discussed here on Injekt RTCM 1008 - #28 by esuomala
and eringerli has also got it fixed in his git: GitHub - eringerli/RpiNtripBase

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I use the SAPOS HEPS of nort rhine Westfalia. So I hope there is no problem :wink:

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There seems to be Satellite problems.
this is from Telegram:
Alexander, [30.03.20 20:18]
[In reply to Wolle]
By the way, it was mentioned in one AMS chat, that JD has made software update for its Starfire, due to some trouble with one of Glonass satellites. The Russian sat translated incorrect data and it was unused in further updates.
I noticed that it runs RTK fine if I do Not use glonass corrections at all - only 1005 and a group of MSM7 (Galileo, GPS, Beidou) messages

I’m familiar with that issue, my neighbour uses a AgLeader Paradyme system and also had this issue with glonass, it was in oct’19 and the dealer reprogrammed his system to only use GPS for the time being. Don’t know how it goes for now…

I was testing this evening my M8t Base and Rover.
When Glonass was enabled, position was Fixed, but there was many jumps. Without Glonass, position was clean and stady.

Hi @kareldew, did you have time to test your setup? I’m looking for the final decision to order my second f9p to start as well.

Hi @MylArti what firmware are u using in the m8t 2.30 or 3.01 ?

Hi @pauluzs It is 3.01.

Thanks, running the same here. Haven’t noticed the jumps yet, at least there is a temp fix by disabling gps.

No not yet, it’s still on the surgical table to check bottom-up where I have made an error. First got some spring work to do.

I disabled glonass and today it went pretty well. At the beginning 2 times strange values but afterwards everything went well. Hopefully this was it. :crossed_fingers:

hello, dear AOG community.
I got debug error message when starting up the AOG 4, while having ESP32 dual ant.connected by usb:

************** Exception Text **************
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at AgOpenGPS.CNMEA.ParseOGI() in C:\Users\Grizs\Desktop\SourceCode\GPS\Classes\CNMEA.cs:line 490
   at AgOpenGPS.CNMEA.ParseNMEA() in C:\Users\Grizs\Desktop\SourceCode\GPS\Classes\CNMEA.cs:line 257
   at AgOpenGPS.FormGPS.ScanForNMEA() in C:\Users\Grizs\Desktop\SourceCode\GPS\Forms\Position.designer.cs:line 98
   at AgOpenGPS.FormGPS.tmrWatchdog_tick(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\Grizs\Desktop\SourceCode\GPS\Forms\GUI.Designer.cs:line 1142
   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

I also have questions about ubx setup:
I had connected everything like Matthias mentioned in the code section :
ESP______R(MB) __ L(rvr)
Rx1 (IO27) - Tx1
Tx1 (IO16) - RX1
Rx2 (IO25) -------------- Tx1
TX2 (IO17) -------------- Rx1

RightBrd Rx2 - LeftBrd Tx2 (in ardusimple means Right sends RTCM to Left ! )

Left antenna is Rover, Right antenna is Mov.base, is it correct ? That means that Right antenna is sending RTCM data to Left antenna. Than why does left antenna (rover) send data from UART2 ? It doesn’t have connection any where in wiring, so where does it send the data?
Please, advice, why do I get the debug message error in AOG?
I use USB connection, not wifi.

Hello, you have also to wire tx2 to rx2 and rx2 to tx2 of the two F9p. So the PVT one send rtcm3 to the MB for RELPOSNED.

@MTZ8302 I guess what Alex wants to know: is this instruction in the readme file equivalent to uploading the two config files?

Config via UCenter: First set on both boards UART1 speed to 115200, UART2 speed to 460800 and activate NMEA+UBX+RTCM3 to inputs and UBX +RTCM3 to output on UART1+2. Then set Nav Rate to 100ms (10Hz). In the messages I deactivated everything expect of (UBX) NavPVT and (NMEA) GSV on UART1 at one board and NavRelPosNED on UART1 at the other board. At both activate the RTCM messages 1077/1087/1097/1127/1230/4072.0/4072.1 on UART2.

I tried setting it manually and maybe it is because of interpretation that it did not work in AOG (empty PAOGI sentence) and I set it back with the config files. Also USB connection with laptop was constantly interrupting @alexbrooy so best to use the config files.

I updated all the software, AOG and ESP code to the latest versions and the reboot at NTRIP start is now gone. I must have downloaded the wrong ones couple weeks ago. I have tested shortly outside and everything looks to work OK.

@Franz that is not my experience, you need to connect RX2 of the correct F9P to the TX2 of the other F9P and nothing else or it doesn’t work. Connect as shown in the introduction of the .ino file from Matthias.

Also good to know clearly, in AOG under data sources, pick:
Fix from OGI - 10Hz
GPS Heading from Dual
Heading correction source none
Roll source UDP

Also I figured out, that rover doesn’t really need to send RTCM back. Checked yesterday in real life. So, MB has to send RTCM, but Rover has not to. May be it will keep some cpu performance.

Is anybody using Ardusimples RTK2B + Heading kit with AOG?

So in the developers opions what is the preffered setup for dual gps heading and roll. Any thoughts or preferences.

I think best way to start is go to the github page from @MTZ8302. He has written code for a ESP32 with 2 f9p boards

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So that would be 2 rtk2b boards?

Yes it should