I’m working with v 5.6.15 and getting Panda going over TCP and found a bug in conversion of Lat and Lon from the NMEA sentence to the dd.dddd format displaced on the screen. Also replicated the error in v5.5
In North America, so longitude it negative. South America will have problems with both.
In bench testing, I noticed that the longitude shown in Agio was off from actual. After looking at the results, it appears that the NMEA string conversion is not handling the negative properly. -08142.283464 (-81 Deg, 42.28464 min) should convert to -81.7047244 in decimal degrees. AGIO shows -80.2952756. It looks like the negative isn’t being handled correctly. Looks like it’s taking the -81 deg integer part and adding 42.28464/60 = .7047244 to the -81 for the result of -80.2952756!
When Longitude is negative, I find it easiest to strip the negative sign off, do the conversions, and then multiply by -1 to add it back into the decimal form. Also, to tested the theory by sending a negative latitude. Replicated the same problem.