ESP32 WiFi System

Not sure this is of interest to the wider community but I’ve managed to coble together a wireless system based on ESP32’s. so in theory, if you can get some power to the units then you can put them anywhere you like. The only cable required to the PC is the ethernet from the WT32-Eth01.

There is code for a separate IMU and GPS unit which talk to each other to build a PANDA string which is passed to an WT32-Eth01 unit wirelessly which converts to ethernet for sending down the cable. The WT32-Eth01 also sends out regular timing impulses so that GPS data and IMU data can be joined correctly. NTRIP data is send back to the GPS unit from the computer.

The wireless units use ESP-NOW to communicate which looks to work well regarding latency and the conversion to wired ethernet negates the need for WiFi and all its latency issues.

This is very much a beta bit of software and I’ve yet to build hardware to fit on the tractor to test properly, its all on breadboards on my desk but has successfully been running for 24 hours without a crash!

For an added bonus you can do away with the WT32-Eth01 and connect to the GPS unit using USB instead and then use Serial comms instead of ethernet.

I’ve obviously borrowed code from the other INO’s in the support file especially for the building of PANDA strings. And there is very little in the way of documentation on how to put it all together but its written in VS code using platformIO.

If you want to look / try: (only works with CMPS-14) (WT32-Eth01 unit) (GPS unit using F9P)