Ethernet NTRIP Master - ArduSimple

Working on ordering the hardware for a RTK Base setup. I see comments about people having success with ArduSimple’s WiFi NTRIP Master. My setup will be close to the router so I was thinking an ethernet connection would be more reliable. Will ArduSimple’s Ethernet NTRIP Master accomplish the same thing as the WiFi unit? Looks like it would plug into the XBee socket just like the WiFi unit. Anyone setup with this unit and have good luck?

All the info you need is in this thread. Yes it works perfectly!

This Ethernet NTRIP Master seems to be quite expensive. Why not a Raspberry Pi and Stefal’s RTK base?

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After some more looking the RTKbase does sound like the best option. Now to find a Raspberry Pi. Been wanting one for over a year for another project. Might start looking for a used one on Ebay to get by. This is all new to me so thanks for taking time to help point me in the right way.

You can also use orange pi zero

More documention here GitHub - lansalot/FreeRTK: How to set up your own RTK base station

You can also use a regular esp 32. Check out this thread.

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