I went with foam aeroplane wheels
Made a nylon hub quickly to try
can you share the link and stl?
Foam Wheels 75mm (rapidrcmodels.com) these are the wheels.
what is stl?
STL is support for printing
The tire has widened. Instead, I cut and installed the cooling radiator pipe of the vehicles. Has been working for 3 years.
Not worth me printing them at £4each delivered
I finally found Adapter 12mm clamp
Or could go with Trimble ezsteer wheels
Not sure of dimension, but these Pattern hole adapters work great. I had to do a bit of grinding on corners but has worked great. The cheaper soft foam tires chew up easily. Trimble wheels are expensive, but grip and are made of hard foam. Last long time. The last rc car tires I bought were almost as good of foam as Trimble.
The spokes were a bit on light side. Hoping the rc wheel I linked is same compound with heavier rim spokes.
I have the same RC tire shown in your post and would sure appreciate it if you would post the details of the nylon flange you used. I am having a hard with Googling it.
i made it out of nylon rod on my lathe
davidroberts30…Thanks for the quick reply…you have put an end to my fruitless hours of Google searches for nylon shoulder washers, Nylon round flanges, etc…lol. Now I will improve my Sketchup skills to make a good STL file and find someone to 3D print it.
Your quick response reminds me of one of my mother’s favorite sayings that fewer and fewer people these days, especially here in California, seem to remember…“It doesn’t cost anything to be kind or polite, so be both.”
Thanks again.
as example a solution
the parts need to be done in tpu but it will be done in petg with a inner tube of bike
photo video and 3D files available here
I used a foam rc drag race tire as my friction wheel coupled with a 12mm flange from Amazon. I can send you the info/specs later if you want. The foam tire is very similar to the tremble setup. It’s worked very well for me and little to no wear so far. If I remember correctly the two pack of tires were $24 and the flanges were $8-10.
Has anyone tried printing a friction wheel in foaming tpu?
Please share which RC slick and 12mm flange you used from Amazon. Any other pictures how you attached flange to drag slick? I have these flanges, but would prefer flanges with key way if available. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08NJJ21CH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Am using Phidget 3269 motor.
I can get a pic inside of my wheel mount in the morning but I can explain my build process too. The flanges fit the 12mm motor shaft but unfortunately aren’t keyed. I instead traded out the supplied set screws to a longer screw that fits the threaded hole so it would go deeper into the keyway slot in the motor shaft. I haven’t had any problems with it holding so far. To mount the tire/wheel to the flange I tapped the holes to accept hex head machine screws. I used the flange for a template to mark and then drill a flat washer to act as a backer plate to sandwich the wheel between it and the flange. Two of the machine screws line up through the two spokes in the wheel and the other two are in the larger areas between spokes. I allowed the motor shaft to extend slightly through the flange to keep the center of the wheel centered on flange. I can give you all the specs of the screws I used if you’d like as you have to watch your clearances.
Thanks for the response and yes a picture or two as well as the specs on the fastners you used would be much appreciated! I find that being a slow witted 74 year old Californian farmer you cannot give me too much information…lol
Your help is much appreciated.
Top view backer plate is a 5/8” flat washer with an outside diameter of approximately 1 1/4”. I think I may have ground it down slightly to be the same size as the flange. I used the flange to transfer the bolt pattern to the washer. The flange is tapped with an
8-32. The mounting screws are 1” inch long but you can also use 3/4”.