Front to BAck Dual Antenna

That is exactly what i was thinking Karel, no need at all to go thru AOG with the ntrip - but the interface GUI is nice maybe. Not sure

The ardusimple wifi master can be a client, it gives off a hotspot that you can log into it with your phone or tablet to set up ntrip details. Pretty slick actually, would assume it’s the same on multi gps board as with the single one I have

Is there code to use Ethernet (ENC28J60) instead of the onboard WiFi on the ESP32? Going to use this solution, but wanting ideally to keep everything wired using UDP rather than UDP over WiFi…

If you have an ESP32, a LAN8720 for wired ethernet is very easy. Only need to change a few lines for initialization, rest of the code stays same.
E.g. esp32-aog/network.cpp at master · doppelgrau/esp32-aog · GitHub
Init wifi as hotspot, wifi as client (dhcp or fixed ip), wired ethernet (dhcp or fixed ip) and also a “watchdog” thread.

I’ve bought the new Arduino Ethernet shield with the w5500, because it supports PoE with an additional board to plug into the Ethernet shield. It has Uno form factor, so it would be stackable to all. Let’s see how it works

Great news, I have an ESPduino also so would work well for me

you got a link for that?

Ordered and delivered next day, without even using prime!

these are the ones I use. They provide enough power at 5V and at 3.3 V to stack 2 Ardusimple boards plus Antennas on top, so simply connect to 12V - done.
Be carefull: the IO Ref is tied to 5V!! This will break it, as ESP32 uses 3.3V for IO ref. So I solderd the Ardusimples IO ref to the over next PIN which is 3.3V
With the TX1/RX1 the same: at the ESP32 they are tied to USB. So move them away to anywere else (not PIN12)
To be seen in the PDF at github MTZ8302

Hello Matthias, I will not mount my boards on top of eachother. You mean that on the F9P’s the IOREF-pin must be connected to the 3v3-out, so that the F9P boards communicate at 3.3v level with the ESP32?

Yes, ESP needs 3.3V to GPIOs

I feel stupid but with what address do I navigate to the web interface?
Edit: found it. In the serial monitor at 115200 baud, check the startup messages. In my case ‘changing IP to:’ and this address gives the web config page.

Edit 2: what do I need to change in AOG and the ESP32 code to have UDP communication, NTRIP forth and PAOGI back? Do I need to fill in my laptop IP or router IP in the code somewhere? Still reaching in the dark on this topic…

Oddly I can’t see any way that the NTRIP master on XBee can set IOREF. ??

… Unless one of the GPIO’s is used, but it isn’t documented AFAICS.

the ESP looks for NTRIP comming on port 2233. So in AOG NTRIP settings put in the IP x.x.x.255 and port 2233. The 255 at the end of IP means: send to every IP in the net x.x.x

to use the PAOGI in AOG: settings, roll: from GPS, heading: nothing checked, heading: GPS
but still testing, maybe minor bugs in communication

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Thanks Matthias, that is helpful. I am waiting for a second simpleRTK2b to make connections, which is maybe why my module keeps rebooting once NTRIP is coming in. It gives these messages.

assertion "pbuf_free: p->ref > 0" failed: file "/Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/lwip/lwip/src/core/pbuf.c", line 765, function: pbuf_free
    abort() was called at PC 0x400e084b on core 1

    Backtrace: 0x4008c7e0:0x3ffcf630 0x4008ca11:0x3ffcf650 0x400e084b:0x3ffcf670 0x400fe14f:0x3ffcf6a0 0x400d9263:0x3ffcf6c0 0x400d92b3:0x3ffcf750 0x4008877d:0x3ffcf780


the code should also work with 1 antenna. So might be a bug? I tested with 1 antenna and it worked. So more tests…

Well I have no F9P’s attached right now so that ESP32 probably just wants to teach me a lesson! :slight_smile:

Edit: I configured the position F9P and made the connections. I adjusted the module port IP to match the x.x.0.x network. No sign of UDP position coming in. I’ll check again with two F9P’s attached.

What happened to your Ethernet configuration screen? I spells Port with Poort!
Check names all around in programming.

It’s the Dutch language with its silly long words.

Sorry I did not notice Opslaan, But apart from that, could the “culture info” have an effect on the programming, and that is why it does not work for you?
What happens if you go english for a test?