Hello All,
Thanks for creating a great piece of software. I was going to get started on this exact project when I found you all.
I have a few questions.
For the GPS system I have ordered the ardusimple board. I was going to set up panda but the BNO080 is impossible to find at this point. I have some teensy boards coming and some nano boards coming.
I think I can turn off using the IMU and still use basic GPS tracking. Is that correct?
For the ardusimple how is RTK corrections transmitted to the GPS receiver. I don’t see any outside connections for this correction.
If I want internet connections for RTK I do that thru the PC? If I want radio corrections I need to have the radio connected to the PC via serial?
Lots of questions. I will be posting in several places.
Thanks again for the great work. I will try to add to the project where I can.