Git video tutorials

Because there were some questions about git. I have searched for some tutorial videos explaining git.

The videos below are mostly on the commandline. I expect members of the AgOpenGPS community to use Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code or Git GUI. But they do explain git very good. And the working is almost the same. Personally I usually push the Commit All and Push button. But I do make sure my commit is atomic.

Github and others have chosen to make the default branch which is created when you create a repository to be named “main” instead of “master” recently. To avoid using the word “master”.

15 min basics on the commandline

34 minutes Git 101 Basics from Scott Hanselman

21 minutes Git Pull Requests explained from Scott Hanselman

about an hour combined commandline and Visual Studio wallktrough


Thx, i think need this :ok_hand:

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