GPS Antenna/PCB Orientation

Hi, I’m just about done installing all the auto steer equipment on my tractor. The last thing I need to do is mount the GPS antenna to the roof. From reading through this forum I have decided to mount it to the fronted edge of the cab, seems like that is most common and works well?

Question 1. How important is it to get the antenna exactly in the center of the tractor? Also is it important to mount it in any specific orientation (wire coming out the back/side)? For reference I’m using a single f9p and an IMU

Question 2. I understand that the IMU mounted to my pcb needs to be flat. Is there any tolerance? do I need to get a level out and get it perfect or is there an adjustment I can make in the software? Also does the heading of the IMU matter? Do I need to mount the pcb (std) with the Amp Seal connector exactly toward the front of the tractor or can I set which direction is forward in the software as well?

Thanks In advance this has been a very fun project looking forward to testing the system for the first time here shortly.

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Antenna orientation doesn’t matter I tried. Yes its recommended to be in the center(middle) sometimes the cab is not exactly in the middle, tho it can be manipulated and set offset in a software.

PCB Can be mounted horizontaly or verticaly, doesnt matter but note the 2 arrows drawn on the IMU board, point one of them forward(moving direction) and make it parallel with moving axis. When fixed don’t forget to zero roll.

Antenna center can be adjusted in AOG.

Bno just almost level. Roll can be Zeroed when tractor is parked on level ground.

Thank you! that’s what I figured.

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