Hi, i was just wondering if it would be possible to feed the gps signal into AgOpenGPS over IP rather than a COM port?
I have been using rtklib to generate an rtk-corrected gps signal (and log raw position data), then sending the data to AgOpenGPS via a COM port, which for the most part has been working really well . However, i have been having issues where occasionally i go outside of LTE coverage which stops the rtk corrections signal being received over the internet. this causes rtklib to briefly freeze, then for what i think are COM port related reasons, causes AgOpenGps to freeze. Sometimes this ends up locking both programs if the LTE doesn’t reconnect quick enough. What i have observed is that rtklib doesn’t seem to have the same freeze/locking issue when it outputs via TCP connections.
I realise this is an edge case, and the issue isn’t being caused by AgOpenGPS, but i was wondering if GPS->AgOpenGPS communication via IP could be a part of a future AgOpenGPS release similar to the current UDP->steering communication.