Grade control

I tried to make a painted elevation map but I am stuck right now

So, when I open a field it look min and max easting and northing. After, it make a new list with a point a each meter and for this point it should give the altitude for the nearest survey point. But right now it always take the last, I cannot find the bug.
OpenGL.Designer Line 676 CalculateMinMaxEastNort

 private void CalculateMinMaxEastNort()

            eastingMin = 9999999;
            eastingMax = -9999999;
            northingMin = 9999999;
            northingMax = -9999999;

            int cnt = ct.ptList.Count;

            if (cnt > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                    //double x = i;
                    double y = ct.ptList[i].easting;
                    double z = ct.ptList[i].northing;

                    //find min max coordonates
                    if (eastingMin > y) eastingMin = y;
                    if (eastingMax < y) eastingMax = y;
                    if (northingMin > z) northingMin = z;
                    if (northingMax < z) northingMax = z;

            if (eastingMax == -9999999 | eastingMin == 9999999 | northingMax == -9999999 | northingMin == 9999999)
                eastingMin = 0; eastingMax = 0; northingMax = 0; northingMin = 0;
                eastingMin -= 2; eastingMax += 2; northingMax += 2; northingMin -= 2;

            for (double h = (double)eastingMin; h < (double)eastingMax; h++)
                for (double i = (double)northingMin; i < (double)northingMax; i++)

                    int ptCnt = ct.ptList.Count;

                    if (ptCnt > 0)
                        int closestPointMap = 0;
                        int ptCount = ct.ptList.Count - 1;

                        //find the closest point to current fix
                        for (int t = 0; t < ptCount; t++)
                            minDistMap = 100000000;
                            double distMap = ((h - ct.ptList[t].easting) * (h - ct.ptList[t].easting))
                                            + ((i - ct.ptList[t].northing) * (i - ct.ptList[t].northing));
                            if (distMap < minDistMap)
                                minDistMap = distMap;
                                closestPointMap = t;

                        if (minDistMap < 25)

                            mapListPt point = new mapListPt(h, i, ct.ptList[closestPointMap].altitude, ct.ptList[closestPointMap].cutAltitude, ct.ptList[closestPointMap].lastPassAltitude);


                        int closestPointMap2 = 0;
                        int ptCount2 = ct.ptList.Count - 1;

                        //find the closest point to current fix
                        for (int t = 0; t < ptCount2; t++)
                            minDistMap2 = 100000000;
                            double distMap2 = (((h + 1) - ct.ptList[t].easting) * ((h + 1) - ct.ptList[t].easting))
                                            + ((i - ct.ptList[t].northing) * (i - ct.ptList[t].northing));
                            if (distMap2 < minDistMap2) { minDistMap2 = distMap2; closestPointMap2 = t; }

                        if (minDistMap2 < 25)

                            mapListPt point2 = new mapListPt((h + 1), i, ct.ptList[closestPointMap2].altitude, ct.ptList[closestPointMap2].cutAltitude, ct.ptList[closestPointMap2].lastPassAltitude);



then in CContour I modified DrawContourLine line 401
It draw with OpenGL.GL_QUAD_STRIP

 //dot test by Pat
            lastMapValue = -9999999;
            sndLastMapValue = -9999999;

            for (int h = 0; h < ptCount; h++)

                if (mapList[h].altitudeMap < 100) gl.Color(0.5f, 0.900f, 0.90f);
                else gl.Color(0.98f, 0.2f, 0.0f);  
                if (mapList[h].northingMap < lastMapValue )
                    gl.Vertex(mapList[h].eastingMap, mapList[h].northingMap, 0);
                else gl.Vertex(mapList[h].eastingMap, mapList[h].northingMap, 0);

                sndLastMapValue = lastMapValue;
                lastMapValue = mapList[h].northingMap;

If someone can take a look and make it work for the closestPoint thing it would be appreciated.

Code here:

Edit: I have modified the code, now with GL_QUADS and much less points. I still must find out why that closestpoint donā€™t work , after we will be able to colour it according the cut fill value.
Edit2: Bug Found, see post below.

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I worked this out last week, sort of. I do not have access to it over the weekend, Iā€™ll post next week. I took the whole field and found an average. This gets mapped by color. As the elevation gets higher away from average it decreases the green, lower it decreases the red. The value is mapped 0 to 256 between average and max, opposite for less. The cut was mapped separately. Determine the max cut, then set the current color to the mapped value, green drops out accordingly. Fill, is done just the opposite but red is dropped out. You toggle between all three.

Now the look ahead is done similar to what you have done above. I stepped along a heading line and created a new list of points only containing the closest point to that step. Then this set of points was fed into the bottom screen. A line is drawn across the field point to point. In the general direction you are driving.

Concerning your code above, I fought with a single i in a loop that needed an h, but the outer loop used the i. So it always set to the last value. I looked for this above, but did not catch one. It took me a while to fine my error, good luck.

Again, Iā€™ll post my code next week. By the way, I did get the blade looking for and mapping to the point in the bottom screen.


Re looked at your code. During the double for loop h then i, you are collecting two points eash time, First a point that is closest to h (one step), then you are collecting a point that is forward one step in the h direction, h+1, then the next time around you are going to be in the same location h (which is now h+1). Thatā€™s two points in the exact same location. Point two is redundant. Comment that out and ask it to Console.WriteLine(closestMapPoint); This should give you a list of groups of numbers.
My thinking if the surgey points are 5 meters apart, and you are breaking it to a 1x1 grid, you will have a couple of data points that have the same closest survey point. Something like:
Worth a try. Undo would fix it.

There is a problem in the drawing for. You do not start drawing but you end . Something is not right. Probe may be in this, not so much in the collection.

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I found my error, the minDistMap = 10000000 has to be outside the loop!
now it look like this:

Next step will be adding more colour. @KentStuff thanks for the explanations.

I also want to use the lastpass value to record every time the blade pass below the lastpass and the land height. For the visual progress and the max cut depth.
I think we cannot record the filling zones since we donā€™t know when the blade is empty.

Edit I uploaded to github three times today so the code changed a lot. first it was drawing squares by add two points thus the doubles points. now it draw a square by the center. search for drawPtWidth for the pixel dimension and minDistMapDist for the distance from point to draw.


Good catch. I did that a time or two as well.

I was thinking that all cuts modify the survey by the height of the blade. The fill could only be recorded by a separate gps on a trailing roller at best. Or some sort of Lidar mount behind the blade.

The color mapping took some thinking. Setting all colors full (white ) at the survey average, or the base, then lower one the further away was my best so far. But, I had to sit down with pen and paper to get the mapping right.


Did some testing with the HW setup, and modified the .ino for 10-bit PWM (actually this was more for the autosteer but didnā€™t have the hardware at hand so tested on this).

Seems to be working quite well, now thereā€™s 1024 steps in the PWM control. Maybe thatā€™s of use here as well especially with high flow valves. Iā€™ll incorporate that into the latest ino code from Pat later when I got time.


Now I made my map colouring with the cut fill value. Black when no value, white when o, red when fill, green when cut

with @nut 's map:

Maybe it will be better to have a scale with 5 or 7 distinct colours?

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Working on some changes. The survey points are now just points. Widened the screen view and changed the simulator grade control to only set the blade down or up (in centimeters). The elevation is controlled by the elevation of the closest ground survey. The profile in the picture in the bottom is straight in front of you and within the closest survey points. Not sure you can tell from the main screen but the elevations are actually drawn at elevation. This view is looking down the hill. Iā€™ll try to figure out how to get the settings and such back on the side, maybe in a fly out. But just making small steps. I worked on actually cutting the survey points as you cross them, if the blade was less than the point. Had something backward and it grew instead of cut.


This is it looking toward the hill on the left. As you can see the fine red line from point to point is the closest points in a straight line looking ahead. This is also just the greens and reds, sort of. The blues get washed out the further away from average as well.


The code looks something like this:

 for (int i = 1; i < ptCount; i++)
                    if (ptList[i].altitude != -1)
                        float green = Convert.ToSingle(256 / 256);
                        float red = Convert.ToSingle(256 / 256);
                        float blue = Convert.ToSingle(256 / 256);
                        sinSectionHeading = Math.Sin(-ptList[i].heading);
                        cosSectionHeading = Math.Cos(-ptList[i].heading);
                        if (avg <= ptList[i].altitude)
                            green = Convert.ToSingle(1-((ptList[i].altitude- avg) / (max-avg)));
                            blue = Convert.ToSingle(1 - ((ptList[i].altitude - avg) / (max - avg)));
                        if (ptList[i].altitude < avg)
                            red = Convert.ToSingle(1 - ((avg- ptList[i].altitude) / (avg - min)));
                            blue = Convert.ToSingle(1 - ((avg - ptList[i].altitude) / (avg - min)));

                        gl.Color(red, green, blue);
                        gl.Vertex((cosSectionHeading * -toole / 2) + ptList[i].easting,
                           (sinSectionHeading * -toole / 2) + ptList[i].northing, ptList[i].altitude-avg);
                        gl.Vertex((cosSectionHeading * toole / 2) + ptList[i].easting,
                           (sinSectionHeading * toole / 2) + ptList[i].northing, ptList[i].altitude-avg);
                            gl.Vertex((sinSectionHeading * -toole / 2) + ptList[i].easting,
                           (cosSectionHeading * -toole / 2) + ptList[i].northing, ptList[i].altitude - avg);
                            gl.Vertex((sinSectionHeading * toole / 2) + ptList[i].easting,
                               (cosSectionHeading * toole / 2) + ptList[i].northing, ptList[i].altitude - avg);


Probably a thousand better other ways to to do this but this is what I came up with. No laughing at the coding.

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I now have a version of opengrade (for autonomous survey not the 3d) with a lot of the features requested.
It have the relay port, the valve setting tab, the laser mode, adjustable distance view under and above the ground, adjustable distance from the survey line for the automatic blade height, on the under right tab the distance from the ground, and some others minors changes.

I have now a release with an installer for a clean install. (OpenGradeSetup.msi)

I will work with it in the next weeks to see if there are bugs or issues.
If you try it and have comments or issues you can post here or pm me.


Hey @KentStuff could you try putting triple back ticks on a separate line before and after the code? I think it will make it more readable and copy able.

Or copy these ``` they are sometimes hard to find on phones. On Windows it is the top left hand key on the keyboard.


That is far better. What does that do? Just keep the formatting? And does that work in other programs? Just never seen it before.

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Just a trick I learnt over here Blynk

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Easier to view. Makes the post smaller. If you dnt format like this and the next person copies it into Arduino IDE it causes funny errors. But I dnt know how other programs work.

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How do you guys survey the land? I tried to use an android app called SWMaps with my f9p with correction, but found that the height is rounded to closest 10cm.

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Been playing with this on desktop. I really like it so far. and havnt had any issues yet. The extra push to zero window and the ability to switch from ref only to laser is good. The laser button showing on and off and turning green is great the old one was hard to see. Have you thought much about making it possable to enlarge the 3 number boxes. In a dozer it would be a big help. Havnt go my on/off valve on dozer yet but hopefully will find time soon.
Great Work

Try enabling high precision mode on the F9P. If thatā€™s not enabled altitude is rounded to 0.1m.


No reason why AOG cannot survey. Small mods here or there in the program. Set an ABLine to desired xy spacing, set trigger distance to xy spacing, like the tree planting. Record lat,lon,alt at each ping. Write the whole file into txt or agd. Opengrade will do it, but would want to modify the ping spacing.

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So far I fund one issue, when I load and old vehicle file it can make and error and you have to reset (display/ reset All). So you have to make a new vehicle file or save it right after the new installation as usually the settings will follow the new installation.
For The second screen with the batman button I think I will not work on it before winter, I now want to make an usable opengrade to grade with optisurface by mid September.

@svenn yes for millimetre height go to UBX-CFG-NMEA check High precision mode

@KentStuff @nut Optisurface survey file format For OpenGrade3D the best survey format will be .ags? With Latitude,Longitude? no need for Easting,Northing?

Import we can Latitude,Longitude in a .agd file from Optisurface and convert in OpenGrade and we will have a few mm acuracity 100% of the time?

With a survey button, first click you make the boundary second the survey points, third close survey.
First point write 0mb_4g, boundary 2PER, survey 3GRD, and it will be all good?
Exemple from the link

40.83912072, -97.130202324, 426.825, 0mb_4g
40.838875761, -97.128341453, 426.689, 01e
40.838698329, -97.128232056, 425.289, 0cp01
40.838860966, -97.128121228, 425.31, 0cp43
40.838572746, -97.127707188, 422.331, 0cp44
40.83845403, -97.127866698, 422.43, 0cp45
40.838319658, -97.127393837, 419.653, 0cp46
40.838167161, -97.127581884, 420.413, 0cp47
40.838172744, -97.127571348, 420.374, 0cp48
40.839960459, -97.130400011, 428.695, 2PER
40.840017995, -97.130400021, 428.827, 2PER
40.840062419, -97.130401729, 428.888, 2PER
40.840114851, -97.130403762, 428.976, 2PER
40.840173142, -97.130406603, 429.092, 2PER
40.84023659, -97.130405079, 429.199, 2PER
40.840303508, -97.130402022, 429.286, 2PER
40.840375489, -97.130400548, 429.411, 2PER
40.840451705, -97.130401834, 429.507, 2PER
40.840532269, -97.130403175, 429.588, 2PER
40.840616642, -97.130404943, 429.666, 2PER
40.840704115, -97.130404245, 429.789, 2PER
40.840792612, -97.130400599, 429.961, 2PER
40.840880554, -97.130396785, 430.153, 2PER
40.840966984, -97.13039807, 430.328, 2PER
40.841050729, -97.130396699, 430.488, 2PER
40.841130684, -97.130394199, 430.697, 2PER
40.841205941, -97.130387628, 430.761, 2PER
40.841279156, -97.130390095, 430.867, 2PER
40.841351665, -97.130397285, 430.919, 2PER
40.841425844, -97.130394355, 430.891, 2PER
40.84150567, -97.130390866, 430.825, 2PER
40.841587822, -97.130389082, 430.646, 2PER
40.841667782, -97.130383653, 430.497, 2PER
40.841744446, -97.130384324, 430.286, 2PER
40.84181982, -97.130391083, 430.136, 2PER
40.841889457, -97.130393338, 429.983, 2PER
40.841951927, -97.1303928, 429.857, 2PER
40.842010068, -97.130391667, 429.731, 2PER
40.842063978, -97.130394916, 429.659, 2PER
40.842113878, -97.13039656, 429.562, 2PER
40.842239489, -97.130386582, 428.928, 2PER
40.842349592, -97.130397242, 428.534, 2PER
40.842392056, -97.130396958, 428.924, 2PER
40.842426155, -97.130397571, 429.177, 2PER
40.842471491, -97.13039547, 429.405, 2PER
40.84252097, -97.130392992, 429.537, 2PER
40.842563628, -97.130387579, 429.638, 2PER
40.842599308, -97.130387608, 429.68, 2PER
40.842629053, -97.13038845, 429.713, 2PER
40.842672569, -97.130390702, 429.814, 2PER
40.842823132, -97.130403167, 429.938, 2PER
40.842859262, -97.130403059, 429.912, 2PER
40.842900537, -97.130402209, 429.935, 2PER
40.842954415, -97.130400322, 429.945, 2PER
40.843019138, -97.130399196, 430.058, 2PER
40.843085594, -97.130399523, 429.918, 2PER
40.843149498, -97.130399699, 429.819, 2PER
40.843207866, -97.130398542, 429.684, 2PER
40.843294512, -97.130399242, 429.35, 2PER
40.843326328, -97.130400286, 429.142, 2PER
40.843372227, -97.130401699, 429.027, 2PER
40.843405865, -97.130363376, 428.939, 2PER
40.843410008, -97.130326151, 428.809, 2PER
40.843406449, -97.130280171, 428.717, 2PER
40.843399085, -97.130223936, 428.683, 2PER
40.843399354, -97.130153817, 428.608, 2PER
40.843401851, -97.130071635, 428.404, 2PER
40.843403591, -97.12997864, 428.166, 2PER
40.843403145, -97.12987477, 427.866, 2PER
40.843401893, -97.12976252, 427.482, 2PER
40.843400441, -97.129646768, 427.062, 2PER
40.843399263, -97.129532099, 426.622, 2PER
40.843398745, -97.129420138, 426.313, 2PER
40.843397109, -97.129306774, 426.116, 2PER
40.843394835, -97.129190118, 425.853, 2PER
40.843390892, -97.129086141, 425.743, 2PER
40.843381392, -97.129009636, 425.729, 2PER
40.843365548, -97.128954361, 425.477, 2PER
40.843350713, -97.128905741, 425.276, 2PER
40.843334532, -97.128858965, 425.627, 2PER
40.843308448, -97.128807261, 425.724, 2PER
40.843263738, -97.128756113, 425.903, 2PER
40.843204357, -97.128706935, 426.315, 2PER
40.843136459, -97.128654968, 426.882, 2PER
40.843060863, -97.1286022, 427.285, 2PER
40.842979569, -97.12854875, 427.669, 2PER
40.842894994, -97.128490874, 427.947, 2PER
40.842805907, -97.128432601, 428.098, 2PER
40.84271257, -97.128376053, 428.07, 2PER
40.842614698, -97.128323047, 427.959, 2PER
40.842511327, -97.128271984, 427.829, 2PER
40.842403485, -97.12822217, 427.709, 2PER
40.842290767, -97.128170849, 427.705, 2PER
40.842173648, -97.12811578, 427.74, 2PER
40.842051945, -97.128061512, 427.906, 2PER
40.841928054, -97.128004711, 428.246, 2PER
40.841806579, -97.127951113, 428.571, 2PER
40.841689433, -97.127917268, 428.794, 2PER
40.841576886, -97.127902558, 428.816, 2PER
40.841469114, -97.127894096, 428.686, 2PER
40.841365237, -97.127883201, 428.391, 2PER
40.841264255, -97.127872928, 427.98, 2PER
40.84116648, -97.127871955, 427.565, 2PER
40.841075618, -97.127868209, 427.083, 2PER
40.840993541, -97.127858041, 426.553, 2PER
40.840915646, -97.127840572, 426.292, 2PER
40.84063557, -97.127768578, 424.956, 2PER
40.840576539, -97.127748374, 424.689, 2PER
40.840527401, -97.127721967, 424.317, 2PER
40.840483638, -97.127688932, 423.91, 2PER
40.840443738, -97.127648573, 423.58, 2PER
40.840406631, -97.127602901, 423.219, 2PER
40.840373911, -97.127549937, 422.699, 2PER
40.840347981, -97.127487464, 422.08, 2PER
40.840328878, -97.127421037, 421.219, 2PER
40.840316067, -97.127351245, 420.933, 2PER
40.840310193, -97.127282325, 420.737, 2PER
40.840305272, -97.127217504, 420.551, 2PER
40.840303728, -97.127159661, 420.506, 2PER
40.840307766, -97.127106683, 420.405, 2PER
40.84031436, -97.127059805, 420.262, 2PER
40.840323889, -97.127020207, 420.151, 2PER
40.840327986, -97.126966814, 420.181, 2PER
40.840317666, -97.126921862, 419.764, 2PER
40.840304685, -97.126840036, 419.213, 2PER
40.840294126, -97.126782126, 419.129, 2PER
40.840281212, -97.126722709, 419.188, 2PER
40.84026694, -97.126670238, 419.342, 2PER
40.840242516, -97.126628576, 419.671, 2PER
40.840226971, -97.126582596, 419.282, 2PER
40.840211956, -97.126550713, 419.359, 2PER
40.840197905, -97.126493125, 419.263, 2PER
40.840182266, -97.126414686, 419.194, 2PER
40.840157942, -97.126325422, 419.146, 2PER
40.840124788, -97.126232919, 418.827, 2PER
40.84009032, -97.126146234, 418.667, 2PER
40.840053364, -97.12606727, 418.512, 2PER
40.840014157, -97.12598856, 418.355, 2PER
40.839971197, -97.125911671, 418.236, 2PER
40.839928132, -97.12584084, 418.152, 2PER
40.839882455, -97.125779757, 417.976, 2PER
40.839830968, -97.125737432, 417.982, 2PER
40.83979, -97.125724823, 417.889, 2PER
40.839755783, -97.12571901, 417.825, 2PER
40.839720535, -97.125709007, 417.868, 2PER
40.839676386, -97.125697188, 417.84, 2PER
40.839621091, -97.125689129, 417.832, 2PER
40.839557653, -97.125687025, 417.956, 2PER
40.839490486, -97.12568739, 418.182, 2PER
40.8394191, -97.125686149, 418.111, 2PER
40.83934627, -97.125686122, 418.168, 2PER
40.839274509, -97.125684924, 418.182, 2PER
40.839204827, -97.125686309, 418.081, 2PER
40.839135688, -97.125687338, 417.997, 2PER
40.839069678, -97.12568816, 417.829, 2PER
40.839007115, -97.125689174, 417.557, 2PER
40.838949569, -97.125691453, 417.314, 2PER
40.838903924, -97.125695225, 417.087, 2PER
40.838870934, -97.125696783, 416.845, 2PER
40.838839628, -97.125699778, 416.746, 2PER
40.838798812, -97.125707666, 416.482, 2PER
40.838743265, -97.125712314, 416.372, 2PER
40.838694596, -97.125710565, 416.132, 2PER
40.838632873, -97.125708394, 415.832, 2PER
40.838569697, -97.125711766, 415.439, 2PER
40.838338855, -97.125739004, 414.708, 2PER
40.838277782, -97.125735279, 414.609, 2PER
40.838215796, -97.12572473, 414.443, 2PER
40.838150013, -97.12571715, 414.269, 2PER
40.838080826, -97.125712725, 414.157, 2PER
40.838009236, -97.125709206, 414.019, 2PER
40.837936922, -97.125705586, 413.94, 2PER
40.837866191, -97.125705488, 413.881, 2PER
40.837802035, -97.125716972, 413.851, 2PER
40.837750215, -97.125749034, 413.816, 2PER
40.837714553, -97.125802977, 413.784, 2PER
40.837688429, -97.125873928, 413.754, 2PER
40.837663045, -97.125952616, 413.777, 2PER
40.837632464, -97.126035664, 413.795, 2PER
40.837602034, -97.126126733, 413.813, 2PER
40.837570182, -97.126220803, 413.83, 2PER
40.837536663, -97.126314049, 413.832, 2PER
40.837503788, -97.12640583, 413.935, 2PER
40.837476242, -97.126493365, 414.021, 2PER
40.837457512, -97.126569973, 414.201, 2PER
40.837448006, -97.126613704, 414.428, 2PER
40.837430556, -97.126680688, 414.815, 2PER
40.837414079, -97.12673964, 414.962, 2PER
40.837316278, -97.126971838, 414.894, 2PER
40.836676391, -97.12761807, 414.68, 2PER
40.836311382, -97.127759241, 414.986, 2PER
40.836301021, -97.127797204, 414.996, 2PER
40.83629788, -97.127862334, 415.043, 2PER
40.836296802, -97.127945411, 415.108, 2PER
40.836296366, -97.128009188, 415.15, 2PER
40.836297392, -97.12808411, 415.27, 2PER
40.836296441, -97.128164699, 415.348, 2PER
40.836295165, -97.128251402, 415.428, 2PER
40.836291895, -97.128344415, 415.52, 2PER
40.836287632, -97.12843191, 415.65, 2PER
40.836280144, -97.128479251, 415.755, 2PER
40.836273641, -97.128521328, 415.498, 2PER
40.836271403, -97.128561515, 415.75, 2PER
40.836267326, -97.128616713, 415.872, 2PER
40.836266651, -97.128686428, 416.013, 2PER
40.836265413, -97.128769749, 416.188, 2PER
40.836266148, -97.128860539, 416.267, 2PER
40.836267516, -97.128959931, 416.559, 2PER
40.836267871, -97.129066565, 416.733, 2PER
40.836269033, -97.129178357, 417.061, 2PER
40.836271541, -97.129284675, 417.291, 2PER
40.836277291, -97.129387311, 417.689, 2PER
40.836280679, -97.129491743, 417.899, 2PER
40.836281516, -97.129592279, 418.187, 2PER
40.836280449, -97.129685453, 418.5, 2PER
40.836277375, -97.12976795, 418.568, 2PER
40.836272832, -97.129840817, 418.821, 2PER
40.836269269, -97.129913718, 418.976, 2PER
40.836269981, -97.129989627, 419.332, 2PER
40.836270777, -97.130063074, 419.578, 2PER
40.836271183, -97.130118782, 419.779, 2PER
40.836270295, -97.13015902, 419.906, 2PER
40.83628413, -97.130212317, 419.991, 2PER
40.836307918, -97.130238925, 420.196, 2PER
40.836343727, -97.130267321, 420.358, 2PER
40.836388577, -97.130300026, 420.572, 2PER
40.836441528, -97.130332514, 420.861, 2PER
40.836500178, -97.130357716, 421.196, 2PER
40.836562975, -97.130373611, 421.69, 2PER
40.836627173, -97.130379432, 422.238, 2PER
40.83668976, -97.130394254, 422.858, 2PER
40.83675554, -97.130398409, 423.405, 2PER
40.836827558, -97.130396285, 423.942, 2PER
40.836905458, -97.130396436, 424.474, 2PER
40.836987273, -97.130396584, 425.025, 2PER
40.837073104, -97.130395506, 425.352, 2PER
40.837161102, -97.130397852, 425.863, 2PER
40.837246948, -97.130398136, 426.369, 2PER
40.837323257, -97.130398719, 426.781, 2PER
40.837391648, -97.130394433, 427.222, 2PER
40.837459214, -97.13039459, 427.176, 2PER
40.837530543, -97.130396543, 427.665, 2PER
40.83760823, -97.130396947, 428.113, 2PER
40.837692488, -97.130396177, 428.369, 2PER
40.837782011, -97.130396566, 428.664, 2PER
40.837875185, -97.130396051, 428.76, 2PER
40.837970838, -97.130395701, 428.809, 2PER
40.83806607, -97.130395304, 428.79, 2PER
40.838156079, -97.130394298, 428.79, 2PER
40.838240054, -97.130392176, 428.724, 2PER
40.838318336, -97.130394948, 428.641, 2PER
40.838394942, -97.130397064, 428.552, 2PER
40.838477033, -97.130398094, 428.451, 2PER
40.838560008, -97.130397466, 428.313, 2PER
40.838637153, -97.130392211, 428.158, 2PER
40.838700567, -97.130381847, 427.977, 2PER
40.838753753, -97.1303743, 427.712, 2PER
40.838801979, -97.130386316, 427.571, 2PER
40.838848863, -97.130398419, 427.392, 2PER
40.838903167, -97.130399696, 427.102, 2PER
40.838960643, -97.130396624, 426.916, 2PER
40.839009815, -97.130392652, 426.773, 2PER
40.83904214, -97.130387874, 426.627, 2PER
40.839082653, -97.130381842, 426.497, 2PER
40.839115894, -97.130379325, 426.298, 2PER
40.839149813, -97.130353452, 426.091, 2PER
40.839175975, -97.130331069, 425.976, 2PER
40.839211225, -97.130326948, 426.193, 2PER
40.839255346, -97.130328941, 426.378, 2PER
40.839306947, -97.130338335, 426.552, 2PER
40.839362858, -97.130356746, 426.843, 2PER
40.839420922, -97.130365264, 427.123, 2PER
40.839479724, -97.130360879, 427.372, 2PER
40.839537121, -97.130357695, 427.608, 2PER
40.839592533, -97.130367894, 427.774, 2PER
40.839649621, -97.130382061, 427.979, 2PER
40.839704753, -97.130393814, 428.13, 2PER
40.83975344, -97.13039786, 428.331, 2PER
40.839795739, -97.130398566, 428.366, 2PER
40.839833276, -97.13039954, 428.431, 2PER
40.839867501, -97.130400636, 428.509, 2PER
40.839911394, -97.130402311, 428.613, 2PER
40.839120734, -97.130202332, 426.83, 3GRD
40.839085208, -97.130203613, 426.889, 3GRD
40.839055237, -97.130205976, 426.932, 3GRD
40.839016626, -97.130207187, 427.023, 3GRD
40.838968783, -97.130207636, 427.11, 3GRD
40.838911637, -97.130207979, 427.281, 3GRD
40.838849523, -97.1302078, 427.442, 3GRD
40.838783197, -97.130208065, 427.677, 3GRD
40.838713236, -97.130207299, 427.913, 3GRD
40.838639135, -97.130209289, 428.12, 3GRD
40.838562143, -97.130212139, 428.299, 3GRD
40.838486603, -97.130213147, 428.463, 3GRD
40.838415932, -97.130213815, 428.569, 3GRD
40.838350079, -97.130214502, 428.691, 3GRD
40.83828927, -97.130216171, 428.787, 3GRD
40.838233181, -97.130216202, 428.852, 3GRD
40.838181291, -97.130216126, 428.863, 3GRD
40.83812598, -97.130215697, 428.83, 3GRD
40.838056829, -97.130213287, 428.824, 3GRD
40.837977718, -97.130214824, 428.764, 3GRD
40.837893292, -97.130220777, 428.684, 3GRD
40.83781193, -97.130231963, 428.473, 3GRD
40.837737617, -97.130249841, 428.173, 3GRD
40.837673345, -97.130268784, 427.872, 3GRD
40.837621617, -97.130287474, 427.714, 3GRD
40.837580097, -97.130303709, 427.577, 3GRD
40.837544247, -97.130318661, 427.29, 3GRD
40.837511705, -97.13033064, 427.12, 3GRD
40.838613124, -97.127924282, 423.593, 3GRD
40.837394265, -97.130399034, 427.242, 21E
40.83740261, -97.130328324, 426.832, 21E
40.837437984, -97.13009883, 426.512, 21E
40.83744823, -97.130040542, 426.449, 21E
40.837455596, -97.129988232, 426.446, 21E
40.837462658, -97.129942849, 426.393, 21E
40.837469303, -97.129902966, 426.378, 21E
40.837475734, -97.129866439, 426.378, 21E
40.837482764, -97.129828221, 426.325, 21E
40.83749103, -97.129785317, 426.343, 21E
40.837496629, -97.129733768, 426.329, 21E
40.837505642, -97.129670214, 426.331, 21E
40.837519793, -97.129593548, 426.309, 21E
40.837537802, -97.129508253, 426.278, 21E
40.837557954, -97.129423079, 426.248, 21E
40.837579508, -97.129346147, 426.254, 21E
40.837602676, -97.129276788, 426.22, 21E
40.837632021, -97.129209438, 426.22, 21E
40.837668111, -97.129137808, 426.223, 21E
40.837710736, -97.129069464, 426.229, 21E
40.837758037, -97.129006515, 426.18, 21E
40.837811664, -97.128947947, 426.127, 21E
40.837869464, -97.128892284, 426.054, 21E
40.837927812, -97.128838947, 426.054, 21E
40.837988534, -97.128786317, 425.972, 21E
40.838052621, -97.128728974, 425.931, 21E
40.838119162, -97.128671046, 425.925, 21E
40.83818578, -97.12861582, 425.888, 21E
40.838250939, -97.128564642, 425.822, 21E
40.838311738, -97.128519822, 425.813, 21E
40.838367463, -97.128479603, 425.746, 21E
40.838422077, -97.12844016, 425.68, 21E
40.838478211, -97.128400228, 425.646, 21E
40.838526901, -97.128365244, 425.563, 21E
40.838565624, -97.128337124, 425.444, 21E
40.838600836, -97.128311028, 425.42, 21E
40.838633343, -97.128285772, 425.353, 21E
40.838664732, -97.128262213, 425.274, 21E
40.838693215, -97.128238243, 425.294, 21E
40.838718273, -97.128216028, 425.237, 21E
40.838752981, -97.128179204, 425.219, 21E
40.838771696, -97.128149807, 425.287, 21E
40.838797791, -97.128110473, 425.248, 21E
40.838812611, -97.128076779, 425.274, 21E
40.838831116, -97.128039215, 425.194, 21E
40.838849488, -97.12801021, 425.082, 21E
40.838708886, -97.128232898, 425.232, 21E
40.838751784, -97.128199638, 425.161, 21E
40.838792003, -97.128172361, 425.216, 21E
40.838842508, -97.12814178, 425.312, 21E
40.838880519, -97.128148743, 425.705, 21E
40.838927229, -97.128147705, 425.987, 21E
40.838980974, -97.128134559, 426.065, 21E
40.839036507, -97.128116654, 426.182, 21E
40.839088614, -97.128098003, 426.184, 21E
40.839136546, -97.128080203, 426.184, 21E
40.839179858, -97.128064843, 426.121, 21E
40.839215137, -97.128051512, 426.043, 21E
40.839408198, -97.12659136, 423.16, 22E
40.839355757, -97.126635785, 423.387, 22E
40.839322255, -97.126661437, 423.534, 22E
40.839294611, -97.126682687, 423.679, 22E
40.839196359, -97.126591835, 422.78, 22E
40.839164461, -97.126628688, 422.95, 22E
40.839142772, -97.126655764, 422.949, 22E
40.839119065, -97.126686777, 422.785, 22E
40.839094338, -97.126720553, 422.674, 22E
40.839069625, -97.126755859, 422.721, 22E
40.839044778, -97.126792596, 422.788, 22E
40.839019313, -97.126830995, 422.672, 22E
40.838993561, -97.126870643, 422.717, 22E
40.838966737, -97.126914784, 422.809, 22E
40.838937745, -97.126964562, 422.884, 22E
40.838909039, -97.127017403, 422.863, 22E
40.83888007, -97.127071612, 422.774, 22E
40.838853865, -97.127123294, 422.71, 22E
40.838831078, -97.127171376, 422.677, 22E
40.838810348, -97.127220185, 422.65, 22E
40.838790075, -97.127271767, 422.555, 22E
40.838770025, -97.127327132, 422.549, 22E
40.838751055, -97.127383555, 422.583, 22E
40.838734625, -97.127435621, 422.528, 22E
40.83871912, -97.127486976, 422.501, 22E
40.838704678, -97.127542087, 422.587, 22E
40.838692792, -97.127596482, 422.734, 22E
40.838683387, -97.127637852, 422.913, 22E
40.838654313, -97.127674117, 422.848, 22E
40.838601662, -97.12769686, 422.411, 22E
40.838573883, -97.127712483, 422.333, 22E
40.838534601, -97.127740004, 422.413, 22E
40.838504665, -97.127774912, 422.529, 22E
40.838482321, -97.12781567, 422.431, 22E
40.838463606, -97.12784804, 422.389, 22E
40.838439693, -97.127881629, 422.469, 22E
40.838410429, -97.1279145, 422.473, 22E
40.83837841, -97.127945969, 422.517, 22E
40.838344356, -97.127973465, 422.557, 22E
40.838308762, -97.127999184, 422.562, 22E
40.83827415, -97.128025146, 422.569, 22E
40.838243499, -97.12804748, 422.599, 22E
40.838213064, -97.128071648, 422.589, 22E
40.838172547, -97.128104776, 422.597, 22E
40.838124592, -97.128146737, 422.622, 22E
40.838071452, -97.128191247, 422.659, 22E
40.838017412, -97.128239018, 422.718, 22E
40.837962491, -97.128284304, 422.674, 22E
40.837907138, -97.128330522, 422.769, 22E
40.837850659, -97.128378242, 422.716, 22E
40.837795396, -97.128426298, 422.756, 22E
40.837743493, -97.12847207, 422.763, 22E
40.837568046, -97.128670594, 422.919, 22E
40.837525358, -97.128726477, 422.903, 22E
40.837482119, -97.128787969, 422.919, 22E
40.837439866, -97.128852333, 422.928, 22E
40.837400805, -97.128916491, 422.975, 22E
40.837368916, -97.128979703, 422.958, 22E
40.837342172, -97.129043702, 423.038, 22E
40.837317114, -97.129111295, 422.968, 22E
40.837292441, -97.129182647, 422.997, 22E
40.837270299, -97.129255824, 423.029, 22E
40.837249761, -97.129329735, 423.098, 22E
40.837231448, -97.129405369, 423.046, 22E
40.837213399, -97.129483269, 423.073, 22E
40.837196908, -97.12955923, 423.108, 22E
40.837180212, -97.129631689, 423.167, 22E
40.837166795, -97.1297025, 423.225, 22E
40.837157799, -97.129771616, 423.251, 22E
40.837147611, -97.129836216, 423.389, 22E
40.837137084, -97.129894086, 423.435, 22E
40.837126108, -97.129951686, 423.518, 22E
40.837113873, -97.130013095, 423.626, 22E
40.837100642, -97.130077808, 423.764, 22E
40.83708768, -97.130143822, 423.95, 22E
40.837076215, -97.130205488, 424.204, 22E
40.837065259, -97.130260303, 424.422, 22E
40.837057849, -97.130305043, 424.626, 22E
40.837046346, -97.130359931, 425.02, 22E
40.836705095, -97.13039621, 422.98, 23E
40.836716462, -97.130327098, 422.684, 23E
40.836726006, -97.130262928, 422.786, 23E
40.836738173, -97.130187164, 422.642, 23E
40.836751243, -97.130112398, 422.436, 23E
40.836764401, -97.130039978, 422.193, 23E
40.836777167, -97.129967969, 421.878, 23E
40.836789853, -97.129895252, 421.52, 23E
40.836803046, -97.129825199, 421.118, 23E
40.836812889, -97.129772164, 420.681, 23E
40.836821027, -97.129725469, 420.487, 23E
40.836828576, -97.129682066, 420.332, 23E
40.836838319, -97.129634936, 420.399, 23E
40.836849929, -97.129575916, 420.272, 23E
40.836861905, -97.129509035, 420.153, 23E
40.836875083, -97.129445358, 420.153, 23E
40.836883646, -97.129395201, 420.26, 23E
40.836893387, -97.129358472, 420.273, 23E
40.836904429, -97.129308482, 420.607, 23E
40.836920413, -97.129245487, 420.759, 23E
40.836940511, -97.129173034, 420.77, 23E
40.836961573, -97.12909947, 420.749, 23E
40.83698443, -97.12902772, 420.739, 23E
40.837009718, -97.128952498, 420.751, 23E
40.837035598, -97.128878222, 420.721, 23E
40.837060117, -97.128808902, 420.642, 23E
40.837085335, -97.128745074, 420.572, 23E
40.837109361, -97.128692613, 420.496, 23E
40.837133193, -97.128647113, 420.423, 23E
40.83716693, -97.128600031, 420.428, 23E
40.837199728, -97.128552109, 420.35, 23E
40.837220864, -97.128522026, 420.27, 23E
40.837251014, -97.128478244, 420.319, 23E
40.837274533, -97.128446284, 420.349, 23E
40.837306332, -97.128403799, 420.406, 23E
40.837343559, -97.128353218, 420.449, 23E
40.837380372, -97.128301615, 420.382, 23E
40.837415828, -97.128255095, 420.331, 23E
40.837452498, -97.128213811, 420.345, 23E
40.83749602, -97.128170113, 420.303, 23E
40.837546666, -97.128123004, 420.241, 23E
40.837599979, -97.128074904, 420.194, 23E
40.837651347, -97.12802728, 420.126, 23E
40.837698434, -97.127985133, 420.082, 23E
40.83774055, -97.127948408, 419.848, 23E
40.83777818, -97.127914144, 419.961, 23E
40.837811516, -97.127884354, 419.933, 23E
40.837841717, -97.12785996, 419.997, 23E
40.837870235, -97.127834424, 420.168, 23E
40.837904474, -97.127807257, 420.298, 23E
40.837946797, -97.12777397, 420.382, 23E
40.837992236, -97.127736418, 420.393, 23E
40.838033449, -97.127702529, 420.48, 23E
40.83807084, -97.127672677, 420.542, 23E
40.838105593, -97.127644905, 420.465, 23E
40.838140002, -97.127617965, 420.381, 23E
40.838173652, -97.127592107, 420.48, 23E
40.838201099, -97.127573792, 420.517, 23E
40.838286035, -97.127434387, 419.83, 23E
40.838321764, -97.127394496, 419.575, 23E
40.838352555, -97.127355919, 419.947, 23E
40.838382712, -97.127314314, 420.227, 23E
40.83841052, -97.127270905, 420.298, 23E
40.838438678, -97.127223885, 420.255, 23E
40.83846885, -97.127166413, 420.189, 23E
40.8385029, -97.127104676, 420.02, 23E
40.838535685, -97.127046868, 419.975, 23E
40.838565038, -97.126998009, 420.1, 23E
40.838590769, -97.126957381, 420.419, 23E
40.838620683, -97.126922643, 420.583, 23E
40.838656704, -97.12688655, 420.694, 23E
40.838695175, -97.126854418, 420.912, 23E
40.83872631, -97.126830776, 420.958, 23E
40.838756779, -97.126810722, 421.063, 23E
40.840649786, -97.128399317, 426.553, 23E
40.840665911, -97.128436353, 426.53, 23E
40.840670725, -97.12847806, 426.525, 23E
40.840619517, -97.12849936, 426.028, 22D
40.840579488, -97.128498905, 425.752, 22D
40.840543126, -97.128497281, 425.468, 22D
40.840509852, -97.128496033, 425.247, 22D
40.840480851, -97.128496622, 425.049, 22D
40.840378463, -97.128504912, 424.47, 22D
40.840327434, -97.128500824, 424.458, 22D
40.84028631, -97.128499091, 424.825, 22D
40.840239628, -97.128497302, 425.208, 22D
40.840196214, -97.128496605, 425.335, 22D
40.840227759, -97.129030643, 427.602, 21D
40.840295113, -97.129031506, 427.485, 21D
40.840350374, -97.129032398, 427.367, 21D
40.840412742, -97.129034042, 427.184, 21D
40.840477439, -97.129035421, 426.996, 21D
40.840536707, -97.129036172, 426.887, 21D
40.840580187, -97.129037298, 426.864, 21D
40.840625857, -97.12903712, 426.765, 21D
40.840660262, -97.129039462, 426.578, 21D
40.840728428, -97.129043157, 426.828, 21D
40.840782057, -97.129041938, 427.084, 21D
40.840845849, -97.129043708, 427.242, 21D
40.840914208, -97.129044367, 427.427, 21D
40.84199144, -97.130394053, 429.775, 24G
40.842024239, -97.130393242, 429.697, 24G
40.842057699, -97.130393748, 429.647, 24G
40.842099183, -97.130395007, 429.599, 24G
40.842137489, -97.1303946, 429.513, 24G
40.842170976, -97.130392401, 429.419, 24G
40.842201567, -97.130389667, 429.245, 24G
40.84222975, -97.130386946, 429.068, 24G
40.8422739, -97.130387984, 428.666, 24G
40.842315829, -97.130390785, 428.351, 24G
40.842366441, -97.130387749, 428.613, 24G
40.842416141, -97.130389561, 429.075, 24G
40.842478717, -97.130389502, 429.368, 24G
40.839519241, -97.130367287, 427.547, 24F
40.83949033, -97.13036676, 427.428, 24F
40.839452049, -97.130366127, 427.27, 24F
40.839410554, -97.130366942, 427.107, 24F
40.83909691, -97.130373525, 426.345, 24F
40.839062639, -97.130375684, 426.481, 24F
40.839019936, -97.130380039, 426.747, 24F
40.838964111, -97.130384299, 426.883, 24F
40.838908826, -97.130385657, 427.077, 24F
40.843181352, -97.128855989, 425.975, 3GRD
40.843152374, -97.128847643, 426.104, 3GRD
40.843112753, -97.128834599, 426.323, 3GRD
40.843059737, -97.128818086, 426.602, 3GRD
40.842996847, -97.128797499, 427.086, 3GRD
40.842927359, -97.12877566, 427.526, 3GRD
40.842852703, -97.128756297, 427.932, 3GRD
40.842773347, -97.128733394, 428.278, 3GRD
40.842691463, -97.128708057, 428.535, 3GRD
40.842609279, -97.128683442, 428.761, 3GRD
40.842530101, -97.128659213, 428.904, 3GRD
40.842454383, -97.128622634, 428.989, 3GRD
40.842380032, -97.128578224, 429.074, 3GRD
40.842304553, -97.128540498, 429.105, 3GRD
40.842230093, -97.128510394, 429.138, 3GRD
40.842156063, -97.128481038, 429.177, 3GRD
40.842080272, -97.128450838, 429.144, 3GRD
40.842000139, -97.128419156, 429.14, 3GRD
40.841914589, -97.128383563, 429.076, 3GRD
40.841823413, -97.128348504, 429.075, 3GRD
40.841728934, -97.128318507, 428.992, 3GRD
40.841635538, -97.128283007, 428.986, 3GRD
40.841544601, -97.128244403, 428.935, 3GRD
40.841455465, -97.128206105, 428.827, 3GRD
40.841367136, -97.128174896, 428.703, 3GRD
40.841280373, -97.128147884, 428.523, 3GRD
40.841194684, -97.128123033, 428.288, 3GRD
40.841109431, -97.128105748, 428.04, 3GRD
40.841024686, -97.128102038, 427.797, 3GRD
40.840940132, -97.128108386, 427.541, 3GRD
40.840853724, -97.12812098, 427.267, 3GRD
40.840765799, -97.128131945, 427.059, 3GRD
40.840678247, -97.128144032, 426.741, 3GRD
40.840590136, -97.12815552, 426.31, 3GRD
40.840501829, -97.128161264, 425.81, 3GRD
40.840414186, -97.128162689, 425.271, 3GRD
40.840333055, -97.128155966, 424.615, 3GRD
40.840257996, -97.128142234, 423.866, 3GRD
40.840188693, -97.128121162, 423.327, 3GRD
40.840130511, -97.128105073, 422.893, 3GRD
40.840085209, -97.128084782, 422.557, 3GRD
40.840049985, -97.128052732, 422.236, 3GRD
40.840020424, -97.128011477, 421.975, 3GRD
40.839993415, -97.127969867, 421.824, 3GRD
40.839969883, -97.127928752, 421.507, 3GRD
40.839948082, -97.127895189, 421.507, 3GRD
40.839897702, -97.127873445, 421.628, 3GRD
40.839871784, -97.127899693, 421.793, 3GRD
40.839860652, -97.127945255, 422.039, 3GRD
40.839876864, -97.127999878, 422.351, 3GRD
40.839917519, -97.128052527, 422.578, 3GRD
40.83997194, -97.128105728, 422.616, 3GRD
40.840032809, -97.128159842, 422.679, 3GRD
40.840093372, -97.128224669, 422.985, 3GRD
40.840156753, -97.12828702, 423.156, 3GRD
40.840219138, -97.128342009, 423.496, 3GRD
40.840270081, -97.128390351, 423.757, 3GRD
40.840306807, -97.128428806, 424.048, 3GRD
40.840340721, -97.128444217, 424.08, 3GRD
40.840369455, -97.12844738, 424.169, 3GRD
40.840399225, -97.128449731, 424.321, 3GRD
40.840433072, -97.128453929, 424.685, 3GRD
40.840471502, -97.128463891, 424.942, 3GRD
40.840518743, -97.128471901, 425.315, 3GRD
40.840573854, -97.128487757, 425.73, 3GRD
40.840635722, -97.128514122, 426.103, 3GRD
40.84070714, -97.128537962, 426.504, 3GRD
40.840787782, -97.128557166, 426.753, 3GRD
40.840874933, -97.128580878, 427.035, 3GRD
40.840964939, -97.1286073, 427.366, 3GRD
40.841057723, -97.128630663, 427.728, 3GRD
40.841152841, -97.12865269, 428.051, 3GRD
40.84125024, -97.128673294, 428.335, 3GRD
40.841348707, -97.128684127, 428.562, 3GRD
40.84144811, -97.128682862, 428.766, 3GRD
40.841549707, -97.128690817, 428.913, 3GRD
40.84165424, -97.128701505, 429.038, 3GRD
40.841759495, -97.128725091, 429.154, 3GRD
40.84186379, -97.128765905, 429.242, 3GRD
40.841968056, -97.128811791, 429.164, 3GRD
40.842069963, -97.128863166, 429.016, 3GRD
40.842168236, -97.128920609, 428.716, 3GRD
40.842260501, -97.128983511, 428.386, 3GRD
40.842345455, -97.129053475, 427.939, 3GRD
40.842425237, -97.12912512, 427.403, 3GRD
40.842498802, -97.12919465, 426.913, 3GRD
40.842561631, -97.129257365, 426.659, 3GRD
40.842619162, -97.129314637, 426.531, 3GRD
40.842678079, -97.129371807, 426.495, 3GRD
40.842740395, -97.129430197, 426.638, 3GRD
40.842812884, -97.129469297, 426.762, 3GRD
40.842891357, -97.129496794, 426.905, 3GRD
40.842967065, -97.129529751, 426.997, 3GRD
40.843041021, -97.129564847, 427.365, 3GRD
40.843116784, -97.129588137, 427.504, 3GRD
40.843188141, -97.12961012, 427.533, 3GRD
40.843247115, -97.129636609, 427.517, 3GRD
40.843287045, -97.129673747, 427.523, 3GRD
40.843314526, -97.129715097, 427.456, 3GRD
40.843329717, -97.129766537, 427.617, 3GRD
40.843325058, -97.129819542, 427.831, 3GRD
40.843298864, -97.129855208, 428.045, 3GRD
40.843258557, -97.129867793, 428.296, 3GRD
40.843210687, -97.129860467, 428.481, 3GRD
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Yes, that is how I see it. You could also select between boundary or field. I really like @BrianTee_Admin, boundary record and walk about to be able to record corner points from off the tractor, then field could be driven ab.

@Pat, Can you reset the simulator to the correct coordinates? I have not been able to do this yet. Or, if you load local coordinates, when you run in real life does it show up in the screen? I wonder if I may have busted mine.

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I have not looked how the simulator work yet. to view @nut 's field I just changed the offset line in the contour file.

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