HELP! cant seem to get any inputs

First time posting here, have been following along since this past spring. I’ve completed 3 boards now but cant seem to make any of them work while bench testing. We’ve used a volt meter to test the signal from potentiometer is reaching the ads terminal. Somewhere I read there where some people who had bad ads chips. I find it hard to believe I would have 3 bad ones though. Everything was supplied through either Digikey or Mousser. When checking the steer chart I am not getting any inputs. what am I missing or doing wrong?

Connect the:
potentiometer GND to board GND
potentiometer OUTPUT to board HIGH
potentiometer VCC to board +5V

Same order as shown on the picture, also the MMA is no longer used in version 5 instead we are using the BNO080 or CMPS14.

PS: I would recommend you solder both sides of every component, it is after all going in the tractor.

Have you programmed your Nanos? How about sending config from AoG to Nano?

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Just had a cmps14 show up the other day had not installed it yet (waited months for availability and was only able to get one). unplugged my MMA to swap it out and suddenly everything works. Is it the fact that I’m stationary that there is no steering input when the MMA is plugged in?

If your using china nanos did you install ch340 driver?

Do you see nano as com port in device manager?

Do you see data changing in agDiag window?

Did you tap on the bottom of the steer tune window for manual test controls?

You are so very close.

Just messing around this afternoon unplugged the mma chip as I was going to install a cmps 14. tried it with neither installed and everything works as it should. Any potential thoughts on why the mma being present blocks the steering input signal?

My guess is it is not supported in v5 and is upsetting the I2C bus that the A/D converter also uses to communicate to the nano.