Hydraulic autosteer for OC systems (no LS)

It might be the case. I still try to figure out if it is reasonable to use the valve I have. Maybe I have to buy SP10-58C instead? This kind of connection might work with that.

shock valves will work in orbitrol and additional pressure relief valve would be added before SP10-58C

I am not sure the specification for sp10-58c, is saying OK for using the Ls line as P input.

I suppose you have a HI Lo electric shift on your tractor, just like my Hürlimann (It has Hi Med Lo electric shift.
So I would just use the schematic you see in my post just above your first post here.
You can drop the 6/2 valve and just manually help steering if needed under U-turn.
For return to Tank I removed one of the plugs at gearbox/hydraulic box at rear of tractor.

Because I have the 6/2 valve I can give full pressure when needed for U-turn with heavy front roller Just by holding the steering wheel a little by hand (I have not yet a pressure sensor to cut off Autosteer) but normally it is not needed.
Have never had a problem with shifting between hi med low driving along the field.

Here is an old video driving the Hürlimann Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.
Experimenting with Low max on AOG v4 (and yes WAS not Zeroed correct in INO so had to offset antenna to make passes fit the 12 m weed harrow) 9 km/h

To use a SP10-58C you can use a priority valve to feed it, like the M+S Hydraulic PRTA40
feeding just the amount needed to the valve, giving a good control of the cylinder.

One down side is that the valve will have priority over the orbitrol in case of malfunction, you should have some protection (like 6/2 or on/off valve) against this.

Thank you for update and link to video it was looking good harrowing weed. My tractor does not have electrical hi low gearbox just a manual. I will still try to utilise SP10-47C hydraforce.

Something like this you ment? Sorry for my snipping tool and excel drawings :wink:

Where to connect priority valve LS line?

added pressure relief and cut-off valve

I don’t know if there is a good way to fit an SP10-47C.

The priority valve would be for the SP10-5x serie.
This is the way LS orbitrol are mounted on OC systems, I have this setup to control a blade on remote control, it works flawlessly.
There is an old thread about it, sadly most images are gone.

Okey that seems to work like this? When you steer with pwm coil S1 spool will move left from port 5 oil pressure goes to 2 and 1 , same time port 4 deliveres return oil to 3 continuing to the tank .

The port 1 will sense the pressure in it and passes it to LS port of PRTA it will keep spool of priority valve at left. When releasing SP10-58C S1 to the center Priority valves ls line will evacuate oil to tank thru port1 and 3. Pressure relief valve will open shortly until Priority valves spool will move to to right after short delay caused of nozzle in impulse line of priovalve.

the priority will always give just the amount needed to CF, just enough to make the cylinder move at desired speed.
In normal operation the relief valve will never open and you will not have pressure spikes, it’s very smooth.
Relief valve will just open if you reach the end of cylinder.

Pat are right, but as extra info: There are no springs inside PRTA 40 so the LS line just pushes prta left at just the pressure needed to push steering cylinder. As soon as SP 10-58C is back at neutral (port 5 closed) prta moves right to open freely to orbitrol through EF

But I believe you already have sp10-47C valve, so you can make the Ls line with a shuttle valve like this: LS SERIES HYDRAULIC LOAD SHUTTLE VALVES | F E R - R O Hidrolik Pnömatik Makina San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.

A to Ls on PRTA (your ? mark in drawing) , X to port 2, Y to port 4 of 47C on two
Tees between 47C and the 4/2 Cut off valve you have in drawing

Thanks for clarification . It is pleasure to hear that :+1:

Do you remember did you use spring at ES or LS port of the PRTA40?
Are those orfices inside changeable if needed?

Hi Lars we are getting there with you and Pat

Great so it looks lik this:

There is also three different springs available 4;7;10 bar for Priority valve.
Flow guantity is 40 lpm and it seems to be enough since pump can produce 25 lpm.
PRTA40/? if spring is attached and needed.

I think your drawing should work.
About pressure spring, I am not sure how it would work, when orbitrol is OC , if it was CC then you could make certain that there were always some pressure there.
For a start I would not use the spring.

The pressure spring is going to set the flow through the SP10. You’ll most likely want 10bar.

4bar = 12lpm
7bar = 15lpm
10bar = 22lpm

Some other points:

  • You should really pressure limit the LS line so it’s max pressure is less than the main relief valve, then you will always have oil flow at orbital if the auto steer valve is dead headed.
  • The LS line needs a small vent to tank so pressure can’t build up and keep the pump pressure high

58c version would be much better than 47c but I assume you already have this valve?

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Yes you are right I already have SP10-47C.

Still missing:
priority valve PRTA40
4/2 cut-off

Maybe I have to consider adding orfice for LS line to leak to Tank line

Maybe the spring can be put at both sides, but the diagram above set pressure for EF line

It would nice test this with some kind of fluid simulator app.

As I understand 4 bar would always give 12 lpm to orbitrol. So no oil to autosteer valve at low engine rpm.

@CommonRail is right about about LS line vent and pressure limit on LS

Yes your setup will need a small orifice to blead the LS line, I had to add one for my SP10-57C.

A relief valve valve on LS line with a lower setting than main will permit to (almost?) never open the main relief.(Experts would say main still have to be there?)
This is for safety for the driver, the hydraulic circuit could work just with the main.

I will have to check for my priority valve setting but I would say 7bar would be right since 15Lpm is enough for autosteer.

Yeah this will make a lot of component and hoses!

No, all the flow not used by the prop valve will go the the orbitrol, unless the main relief is pushed open.

I agree with pat, when CF line is blocked everything goes to EF. But it is not what commonrail writes.

Edit : must admit that I did not understand the diagram. But it may be this way then: The pressure seen in diagram is pressure before valve opens to EF port, and not the pressure at that port. The flow of oil at the bottom of the diagram, is the incoming flow to the valve.

Now I start slowly realising that really there will be quite much additional valves if I will stick with SP10-47C. Might be cheaper to change to SP10-58c? If they are available with in reasonable timeline.