Hydraulic valve assemblies for Every tractor, for every type of hydraulic system

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Check if you have such settings in AGOPEN.
If it does not work with such settings, check if the pressure sensor is NO or NC, normally I send NC type but once the supplier mistakenly sent me NO and some small batch of valves may have this type of sensor. Then you will need a little change in INO and it will also work fine.

We checked with a multimeter, and it is NO.

I bought a board from Andreas Ortner, which is mainly intended for steering with a DC motor on the steering wheel. Connecting the safety valves and the pressure sensor turned out to be complicated. I plan to do it this way, can I ask if you see any glaring error in my scheme to point it out to me.

Tony Hume solved it easily. Add ! on line 541 and it will work fine.

I think your solution might work. You can also use a bistable relay and a 2-way pushbutton. The relay changes state after giving an impulse to the control port.

You must also check your connected to the “remote” or encoder input and not the A0 input as in your picture.

Thank you for suggesting a solution. But I have the impression that in this case there could be a situation where the pressure switch turns off the hydraulic valve with a pulse, but the PCB will still be in ON mode. The next time you try to turn on the automatic control with the button, the inputs will already be different and the pulse of the button will turn off the board and turn on the valve. Or do you think I’m wrong?

My solution has the disadvantage that the button would only turn on the system. Turn off no more. It would always have to be turned off by turning the steering wheel and thereby activating the pressure switch. This is how I have it in the original Claas Tucano navigation. The autopilot can only be turned on with the button, it cannot be turned off. It can only be turned off by moving the steering wheel, which is not ideal.

Dziękujemy za sugestię rozwiązania. Ale mam wrażenie, że w tym przypadku mogłaby dojść do sytuacji, że presostat impulsem wyłączy zawór hydrauliczny, ale płytka nadal będzie w trybie ON. Przy następnej próbie włączenia automatyki przyciskiem, wejścia będą już inne i impuls przycisku wyłączy płytkę i włączy zawór. A może myślisz, że się mylę?

Moje rozwiązanie ma tę wadę, że przycisk włączałby tylko system. Nie wyłączaj więcej. Zawsze trzeba go było wyłączyć, obracając kierownicą, a tym samym aktywując włącznik ciśnieniowy. Tak mam w oryginalnej nawigacji Claas Tucano. Autopilota można włączyć tylko przyciskiem, nie można go wyłączyć. Można go wyłączyć tylko poruszając kierownicą, co nie jest idealne.

That fixed it. Thanks

If other solutions doesn’t work.
Maybe the "output " by the steer led can be used, in a way like the enable/dir on pcbv2 boards.(to control a 5v relay that power the cut off valves)
But this only work if the steer led light up when autosteer is enabled.
Another way to get a solution is to ask Andreas, you have payed for support by buying from him!

Thank you for suggesting a solution. I paid @Aortner for the PCB but also an extra special item for tech support. I will email him this question and see if he suggests a solution. Unfortunately, he only wrote back on my schematics that he doesn’t know what the safety valves are for… I am formulating the question for him again as you write. That is, “is there any suitable output on the PCB, or a place where it would be possible to connect a Relay that would be switched to the ON state when switching to automatic control by the board, and to the OFF state when switching off automatic control.” I will of course add his proposed solution here.

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The safety valves have two functions:
1 : Extra safety.
2 : They are needed on tractors with an orbitrol of the reactive type.
Meaning that steering wheel will spin if valves were not there.
Reason for two 3/2 valves instead of one 6/2 valve, earlier explained by Baraki as high enough oilflow at the price.

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At your suggestion, I was looking for an indicator light on the Andreas PCB today, but unfortunately I couldn’t find one on the PCB that would signal: automatic steering ON - automatic steering OFF. We will wait to see if @Andreas suggests a solution. Fine, I have one more scheme of mine for reviews, which would preserve the possibility of turning off the system, not only with a pressure switch, but also with a button.
But it is desirable to use the PCB output if there is a suitable one available, that would be the most elegant solution.

You can use the above schematic, it works very well with Andreas board

I also wrote a simple code for an additional NANO or UNO that will handle the switching:

void setup()
pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); // autoster button
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); // 3/2 valve relay control
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // AS activation input on the Andreas board
pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP); // Pressure sensor input


void loop()
if (digitalRead(12) == LOW) { //ON the AS and 3/2 valves with the push of a button
delay(10); // Wait for 10 millisecond(s)
digitalWrite(11, LOW);
digitalWrite(10, LOW);
if (digitalRead(9) == LOW) { // OFF the AS and 3/2 valves with the sensor presure aktywation
delay(10); // Wait for 10 millisecond(s)
digitalWrite(0, HIGH);
digitalWrite(0, HIGH);

But I think it’s best if I send you a complete box of Teensy.

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Thanks to @baraki for both other solution suggestions. I am trying to find the cleanest possible solution so that there is only a minimal increase in the amount of electronics in the system. Still, thanks for posting the Arduino code that would handle controlling your valve with the Andreas board. Personally, I would lean towards the MOSFET MP 4.5-40V / 8A solution that you also suggested.
Since no solution suggestion came from @Andreas, I will try to combine my first suggestion (dual relay) with your suggestion (bistable relay) and connect your valve to Andreas board according to this diagram. It should provide both options for turning off automatic steering. That is, with a button and a pressure switch. I’d appreciate it if you could let me know if you think it could work.

How are you guys going about ordering these valves? Im looking to purchase 2 of them for older OC Ford’s and hoping to use the all in one PCB.

I ordered a OC valve in November, got it in under two weeks. Shipped to Finland. I’ve not tested the valve on a tractor yet. The machining work on the block look great and to my knowledge good quality components are used. The all in one PCB should work with Baraki’s valves, drive the steering valve with Cytron motor driver and the 3/2 valves with the built in mosfet. Maybe someone that knows more about the all in one PCB can confirm this. The 3/2 valves had a current consumption of 3,8A (for both) on 13V when I tested them.

Does anyone know what the PWM frequency for the steering valve should be? In the Teensy ino there are three options in the user settings for autosteer 125Hz, 500Hz and 3,9kHz. 3,9kHz is standard setting. Also the PWMmin setting (where the spool starts to move) should be similar on all of theese valves independent of tractor model.

Thank you, i just need to get ahold of @baraki so i can get them ordered and paid for!

125 works very well.
The minimum PWM is 38 -40
The maximum depends on the size of the piston 100-180
P - depends on the size of the piston:
15 for small tractors
40 for the big ones