I cant seem to find the line

I am running 5.7.2 - I Have RTX Fix. The acquire line look ahead is 1.8. In PP acquire look ahead is 3, hold look ahead 3 and speed gain is 1.

These settings work for 2 or 3 days but they don’t this AM.

What else could cause me not to be able to find the line?

I had this issue the other day. Turns out the bno wasn’t measuring yaw rate. IMU heading was stuck on 0. Restarting the panda seemed to fix it.

I will give that a try. Thanks

I have a spare BNO - swapped that no diff. Deleted the AppData and ran the wizard again and works even better than before! The wizard is pretty nice!!

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I’m very basic so can you explain the deleted the “AppDate” how did you do that?

Here is a search that should help explain.

how do I find my appdata folder

First enter the folder where your account is located, and check the box of show hidden items, then you will see the appdata folder, and the aog folders in it…