Is the simpleRTK3B heading board worth it?

Hi when shopping for an extra gps board I started wondering if the simpleRTK3b heading board is capable of communicating with agopengps?
All the forum posts about this chip are from 2 years ago.

My main question is if its a suitable alternative for the dual antenna setup and or panda board?
So does the heading work with agopengps?
And does it do tilt compensation like the panda board does?

Kind regards.

No it won’t do roll compensation that’s done on the Teensy board or any of the older dual boards.

You’ll be better to use a PCB with 2x normal boards like everyone else if you wanted ublox dual antenna.

Or use a Bynav or Septentrio (simpleRTK3B Heading) or maybe the Unicore Um982 is also ok. All these boards can work standalone direct to AOG

The Unicore UM982 is the dual antenna board. The UM980 is only single antenna.