Is there a need for a new port?

I have no knowledge of Windows. But i can make almost everything work on Linux.


There’s already a qt/c++ aog port underway, why not join and help out?


What tech stack did you use to make it work on Linux? Do you have a GitHub repo with it?

I make lots of experimental versions. It’s written in Python, and not very useful.
The AOG development team has other plans. There is an Avalonia version of AgIO, that works on Linux.
QtAgOpenGPS works on Linux.

This one is close to the original. The challenge is to integrate OpenGL or Vulkan.

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Is the source code available? Do you know of any pros and cons of using Avalonia for AOG?

Avalonia is multiplatform and OpenSource, and needs a lot of support from the community.
What I said before, it’s very hard to integrate OpenGL in Avalonia.
It needs a modern MVVM structure. That is much more difficult than Winforms.

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When I put it all together.

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