Did look into that as an option, I think Matt / Franz has plans when they have more time to try and integrate ethernet so havent bothered with that as of yet, but if not, I think I might take that up… Seems to work just fine with wifi, Id just rather have it wired, means it comes up instantly then, otherwise if you restart tractor, you have to wait for access point to power cycle / reconnect etc, not a huge issue, but super nice for it to be instant / more reliable id say.
Finally, got in the field with Dual, Danfoss, Cytron md13s, and V4.3.10.
Have autosteer on UDP, and working on connecting GPS soon.
Have put out fertilizer and done some spraying, but this was the first precision test. Running strip till, knifing in P, and K. 6R30 rig that I built, then the next year bought a 8R30 planter. I am running as 8 row on AOG for a test. 6 rows strip till, and 2 rows no till.
Brian, can you make that little steering wheel in the corner turn with the WAS when engaged ? This setup is so quiet, that I cant see the wheels move.