John Deere

Few month pas and i improve my original concept to add more adjustement

The original system is keeping but now we can adjust the height or the angle to be more compatible
A slot for the switch is created

Because a lot of request to get printing version, i do two versions according imperial 10-24 or metric M5 screw ( require gear )
or if you like steel version you can get it to do laser cut

It is compatible with motor Phildget 3269 or MFA como drill 986D41 (Rs, gotronic , farnel…)

You can dowload here Files for clutch
This files included JD6030P or JD R solution but can be used to ther model of tractor or combine

you can dowload the steering gear to do friction type with steel or gear type with full3D printing

even if it is not the topic i already adapt to other tractor or combine (claas, mc cormick) by keeping the similar concept just need a bracket

Soon i wil post my solution of bracket for jd 00,10 … series by using this universal clutch