Keya CANBUS motor - great success, many happy etc

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Another successful use of KEYA MOTOR :smiley:


The new 12-pin 08G-V1 motor is now supported, get the firmware via AOGConfigOMatic:


How much is this motor to buy andy?

what PCB AGo you used?

First post:

ā€œAll that follows here is for the AIO boards - this works on AIO2.x and 4.x boards.ā€

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Is this group still active? I canā€™t get the link to work and I canā€™t find it on Telegram by using the search function.

Still active, works for me.

Hi @andyinv I have a AIO 2.4 board and Iā€™m just getting the flashing red LED on the Keya motor. I have tried your AOG-Keya-CANBUS.hex uploaded to the Teensy. Iā€™m wondering if the 4.1 and 2.4 boards use a different canbus number? I see that the code says flexcan3. I only have canbus 1 and 2 headers on my board, (H1, L1, H2, L2). I have used the RS232 connection and Keya software to verify it is set for CAN communication. Do you have any ideas, could you send me a teensy file that uses flexcan2 for my 2.4 board? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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Nice to meet you
Does it work if I use a keya motor on the V4 all-in-one PCB? This is my first time making it and I have a lot of questions.
thank you

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On the AIO board (2.x and 4.x), CAN3 is pins 16/17. Thatā€™s the one you want, they go to header 1.

Thank you for your reply

On the AIO board (2.x and 4.x), CAN3 is pins 16/17. Thatā€™s the one you want, ā€”>I understand up to this point (they go to header 1.ā€“>I donā€™t know this part, which part should I edit? Sorry for asking so many questions.

You donā€™t have to use the Canbus header on the 2.4 board. The Canbus header are extra pins that are on the 2.4 board that I use (also tied to pins 16/17 on the Ampseal 23 pinout. I was just using the Canbus header pins for testing, it was just easier for me on the workbench. Pins 16/17 are fine to connect to and what the motor will eventually connect to anyway.

Thanks andyinv for your replies and confirming canbus1 (H1, L1) on the 2.4 board are flexcan3 in the code. I was able to get the motor working last night with your code and the 2.4 board! Very happy about this!!! My issue was that my Canbus baud rate was set to 500k (setting 3) instead of 250k (setting) 2. For others that may experience similar issues: I had to reconnect the Keya software via RS232 to the motor (usb to rs232 cable which showed up as com9 in windows device manager, then in device manager I had set my com port (com9) to 9600, some say to use 115200 but that didnā€™t work for me). I used they Keya intelligent controller v4.0 software with my cable connected to the motor (see pinout for TX, RX, and ground in manual or spec sheet). Use the manual for specific instructions: Keya manual. The manual has a good instructions on setting up the correct parameters: Verify or change: 0019 set to 2 for canbus, 0021 set to 2 for canbus baud rate 250k Thank you all community members for your contributions to this!

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Youā€™ll find pretty much every CANBUS you come across is 250k. Some newer tractors, eg FendtOne, can have a 500k CANBUS in there, but for the most part, the majority are 250k.

at the level of the Ā± direct battery connections without going through the AIO and pin 6 (CANH) goes to pin 16 of the ampseal and pin 7 (CANL) goes to pin 17 thatā€™s all we donā€™t connect the 3,4,5?

that is correct. 3,4,5 are just for programming the parameters of the motor when connecting it to a PC via RS232 connection.

I am trying to understand what I am seeing on the CANbus between an AOG v4.5 board and a 3rd generation Keya motor. The Teensy firmware was uploaded by AgConfigOmatic.

07000001 is a heartbeat message from the Keya
06000001 is a control message from the AOG board
05800001 is from the Keya motor responding to a command.

What puzzles me is I donā€™t see any commands (06000001) in the Keya manual v2.8 that start with 5d. The data portion of these 10 messages are all the same. What am I missing?

4 Receive 06:03:37:121 Data frame Extended frame 07000001 8 5d 9b ff eb ff ff 00 00
5 Receive 06:03:37:137 Data frame Extended frame 07000001 8 5d 98 ff ea ff ff 00 00
6 Receive 06:03:37:137 Data frame Extended frame 06000001 8 5d 98 ff ea ff ff 00 00
7 Receive 06:03:37:137 Data frame Extended frame 06000001 8 5d 98 ff ea ff ff 00 00
8 Receive 06:03:37:137 Data frame Extended frame 05800001 8 5d 98 ff ea ff ff 00 00
9 Receive 06:03:37:153 Data frame Extended frame 07000001 8 5d 95 ff ea ff ff 00 00
10 Receive 06:03:37:153 Data frame Extended frame 06000001 8 5d 95 ff ea ff ff 00 00
11 Receive 06:03:37:168 Data frame Extended frame 06000001 8 5d 95 ff ea ff ff 00 00
12 Receive 06:03:37:168 Data frame Extended frame 05800001 8 5d 95 ff ea ff ff 00 00
13 Receive 06:03:37:168 Data frame Extended frame 07000001 8 5d 93 ff ea ff ff 00 00

I enjoyed your video
The question is, the KEYA motor is running, but the PWM value does not change.
Mine is just as good
Can you tell me why?
thank you