I did my firs project a year a go with canbus in Valtra T4 and it works nicely!
Next machine will be MF 7724 with no “steer ready” in it. I’m thinking if I should go with baraki valve or keya motor. These are then ones I have been reading moustly about. If the are some motors or valves which are better ones, feel free to point them out!
I have seen that someones has had some problems with machines hydraulic after installing baraki valve. I have not seen what couses these problems. It can be that they have nothing to do with installing or that the installing has been node wrong. Someone has written that steering is harder after installing baraki valve, is this typical?
Keya motor installations I have seen all make F/N/R -switch to be too far away from steeringwheel. That in not ideal. ( I know, in this tractor there is another f/n/r switch on the joystick but I haven’t learned to use it)
We have to drive on public roads also, so has there been any safety problems in baraki valves or keya motors?
Meny times when people do these projects and there is no problems, there will be maybe one post like “works nicely” or no post at all. If something goes wrong there can be a lot of posts. For that reason I’m asking you for help choosing hardware. Pros and cons for these option would be nice to hear from people who know more!