Hi, I have an online tool with which I can select my field and get the official boundary, which I can then export to a kml file. The problem occurs when I have a larger field that consists of several parcels (several polygons that stick together) and I export this to a kml file, which I then open with Aog, it only plots one of these parcels (usually the one that was marked first), if I insert this kml into Google Earth it plots fine. What can I do to make it work in Aog as well?
AOG can only have one external boundary, and several internal boundaries around obstacles in the field. It is not made to handle multiple different field boundaries in one field. I don’t know if that’s the problem or not.
David is correct. AoG only does import 1 kml boundary.
Yes, you understood correctly, so I should delete the inner border between the parcels? Is there any tool for this or do i have to rearrange this manually?
Inside Google earth desktop version, you can save the individual boundary you need. Be sure you save it as a kml file and not a kmz. The kmz is default.
When you open the file in GE, it will be in the left panel. You will expand the file to find the boundary you need, then right click and save as.
There may be other software that will perform a catmull of the kml files or perform a union of selected boundaries, but I do not know.