Language Translations for v5.1.3

Is someone translating the manual into French? If not, I can do it. Or I can reread the translation.

French, German, Italian and Polish on the way.

More translations ask here, i provide .doc file to translate

is it actually 95% done


Thank you for vigilance, Marek, I changed the translation Polish in the study with other translations or added those that were not there, I did not check the translations that were previously returned.

We accept the translation that Marek corrected a total of several typo errors or synonyms.

Using Open Office, I have combined the Danish and the Polish corrections from the posts above (from pniels and baraki into the latest xlsx (perhaps with other language corrections in it) provided by Brian.

I did recheck that Polish now match same lines as provided by baraki/Marek, but Marek would you do a check as well. Edit2:File deleted!
Edit: It seems Microsoft does not like open office, so you probably cant open on MS office. Marek will provide MS version

Ok I check.

514_Needs_Polish_dk_pl (1).xlsx (31.7 KB)


Hi everyone. I’m new to AOG, only making first steps towards auto steering. Mostly for my farther :slightly_smiling_face:. The main Issue is the language barrier. Is there easy way to introduce new language? In my case is Lithuanian and willing to make all necessary transactions.

Some people have successfully auto translated the whole manual from English, and even keeping the tables and diagrams correct, using office 360, or Google translate.

Dear Larvest, I’m not looking into translating user manual. Interested in the translation of the program itself :slightly_smiling_face:.

Are we talking sourcecode in c++ , or the AOG program running on a windows computer?

And you can not use any af the possible languages?

Dear @Larsvest talking about AOG running on Windows pc. I have no problems using English myself. Basicly the idea is to set up autosteer on my fathers tractor ant teach him how to use it. Main problem is language :slightly_smiling_face:. I was wondering if there is an easy way to add additional language on the AOG? I have no coding/programming skills but considering skilled pc user :slightly_smiling_face:. I think as well the more people know and use AOG the better it gets as they will add additional experiences and projects.

OK, and I suppose you have read this whole thread, and know you would have to add your language in the xlxs file. AND then it must return to Brian. This would then work for AOG version 5.1
So I don’t know how to do for latest version, because that xlxs file is converted to machine language in AOG source code.
And I don’t think it is same type of xlxs file today.

As far as I remember, that is why, the development team made very good icons.

So today I believe best way is translating the manual, and use that one when teaching your father.
Also it is possible to bring your language up in AOG(by clicking HELP) if you keep language in english, but exchange the manual.pdf program folder with your own manual renamed to manual.pdf
As you see in the program folder, the system is:
For Deutsche Sprache you need

Hello everyone, I love the AoG project, I would like to be able to build it to use on a large scale and replace the green equipment that we use, however a difficulty I face is the language, as not all our employees are used to English, it is very difficult to provide the necessary support, the question is. How can I help by building a translation for my language? Portuguese from Brazil, I can cooperate and I have time available, who can help I really appreciate it, I don’t know if I created the topic in the right place.

Good Morning. The translation into Brazilian Portuguese is already under development. 40% translated.

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I’m very happy to dsber this, meanwhile I’m working hard on my hardware, thank you very much!!!

I can provide a translation to Norwegian, but all of the spreadsheets above in this thread are either gone or privat. Where can I download the template?


Close to launch a updated manual, we post new soon

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where can we contribute to the project? financially or with labor