Light bar with roll compensation

Hi there. Very new to the world of AOG and have been inspired by this great community.
My mission is to have a rtk level accuracy light bar with roll compensation due to ridge and furrow and uneven ground but would be grateful for some pointers.
I think I could get started with a toughbook and ardusimple starter kit but I’m struggling to work out the roll compensation. I have a rtk2go station less than 10 miles away which is a bonus.

I have no experience with making boards or writing code so was hoping to make it as plug and play as possible but keen to learn along the way.

The easiest would be buying an AIO board and leaving off the cytron. Home · AgHardware/Boards Wiki · GitHub

Then you’re ready to add Autosteer later

Thank you. Sorry if I’m asking silly questions.
So would the IMU work straight off or would it need formatting of some description. Or are the settings in the AOG program?

The simplest way is to use an arduino nanoV3, connected together via usb, the bno connected with jumper wires.

You can use a cheap breakout board fo the nano.

Thank you for your advice. Where can I find a parts list and wiring diagram for this please.

Wiring diagramm see following link item 5 , (6)

Wiring diagrams - Operations/Getting Started / How to - AgOpenGPS

Arduino Nano V3
BNO085 Adafruit 4754
Stemma QT / Qwiic - cable , 4 Pin Dupont Male, 150mm
STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH 4-pin to Premium Male Headers Cable [150mm Long] : ID 4209 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

That is so helpful thank you. I think I may be getting my head around it. I think!

So does the IMU connect to the tablet in one port and the simplertk2b connect in another port? The RTK board and the IMU are not physically connected, they talk to each other through AOG. Is that correct.

Once again thank you for taking the time to help.

… that’s correct.

Got the basic light bar working with RTK fix (amazing accuracy) and have ordered the bits for the IMU.

Just a quick question.
Once wired up will I need to configure the Arduino nano with the appropriate code through IDE. Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Yes, you have to download the IMU_USBv5.ino by using Arduino IDE

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I thought so. Thank you.

Is “IMU_USBv5.ino” the name of the code to look for?

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Yes, Github Link see previous answer