MMA 8452 filtering

Nano 33 BLE is a pin-equivalent substitute.(Except 5Vpin)
pinout map is here

Unfortunately, after posting, I learned that BLE and Bluetooth Serial Communication are different things.
But,the NANO 33 BLE also contains a LSM9DS1 9 axis IMU and 12bit ADC
It’s to be an alternative to ADS1015 and MMA,I think.
Does someone have tried?

I think nano 33 BLE is possible on pcbv2, with changes described some posts ago in this thread.
I don´t know about the virtual thing, but you can connect a GPS via bluetooth, you must find the representing com port in the Control Panel >> Device Manager >> Ports.
In danish/På dansk W10 skal søges efter enhedshåndtering, hvorefter de findes nede under porte!
Edit: BLE 5.0 that nano 33 uses is backwards compatible and can connect to older bluetooth devices with eg . BT 4.2, so after connecting nano 33 BLE to your computer via bluetooth, you can find the COM port number as described above, then open serial ports in AgOpenGps and connect to the correct com port there.

Seems like you would just be able to plug it in. It’s a really cool board.

not relevant, but which table do you use and how did you mount it?

On order from digikey :slight_smile:

I tried to run on Arduino Nano 33 BLE.
After buying ,I noticed that it has no EEPROPM.
I need to save the settings in another way but I don’t know how to way. :disappointed:

I2C EEPROM could be the solution.

Here is the library for flash storage for 33

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