Multi coloured section painting

Each patchlist has a number of points associated with it. That would be a good place to store colour since it would at least maintain a colour for a set of points.

Here is a sample of the equalizer panel and the painting of the individual sections.


I added a percent label at the bottom. This is it running the curve. Works pretty well if you need an extreme amount control. Probably more reasonable to use it for extreme monitor. Running it on a pretty slow laptop and it has no trouble processing the graphics. Clicking on the equalizer bars jumps 20%. If you click and slide you can get any number you want. Now getting this out to or in from the equipment is a bit over my head. I did see a post on the combine forum that someone was reading the pressure from the sections on the boom and labeling the section on/off buttons with current psi. Back to school.

@BrianTee_Admin, I did try to change this to just the patches, but I could not get it to draw individual in their respected colors.
