Need to get Ardusimple FP9 to communicate with Teejet 570g via RS232

Right I’ve got a Teejet 570G Matrix with Unipilot already working well. Want to connect to external receiver via RS232 cable from the teejet to RS232 adapter on the ardusimple RTK2B receiver. When in internal receiver mode the 570 is definitely pushing signals to the ardusimple receiver but no luck when in external receiver mode. Have tried all baud rates and using a Null modem (which seems to be required) Any suggestions as to settings in the u-center or anything else that may help?

Have RTK corrections working fine with SW maps off the Ardusimple and rtk2go so Im happy that I have RTK just cant get int into the Matrix

All help and suggestions gratefully recieved.

What 232 adapter are you using on rtk2b? Xbee, or universal? I believe you need to tie communication voltage to IORef. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Make sure both grounds are to same ground point.

You might try a rs232 to USB adapter. Try to send to laptop with AOG running to see nmea messaging.

Hi Kevin,
Using a Xbee 232 adapter. I have the IORef and 5V in linked from the Headers for the add on board for as bluetooth XBee already. If someone can confirm that this is needed (or not) for the Xbee on the Reciever board it would great. Would a USB to RS232 adapter work without a programme to control the adapter? I thought they needed some form of code to translate USB to RS232.

The adapter you buy may need drivers for it. No coding needed. Actually you are going from 232 to USB, to laptop, to AOG on the com port that your adapter is connected to. Not USB to 232. There’s a window to see what messages are coming from your xbee 232 if any. This is how AOG received GPS before ethernet was implemented.

This is only to help diagnose the problem, not meant to send RS232 to 570G.

Did you look here?

To connect your f9p to your teejet you cannot use the usb port except to power the card if is necessary. However, you need the beam in red circle on the following image