New Build, Checking requirements

Hi All,

I have been doing a lot of reading of the forums, and am planning on building a autosteer system. Before jumping in I just want to check that my understanding is correct for the hardware that I will need. I am thinking that I need

  • Tablet
  • PCB (plan on getting one pre made, diyfarmtech)
  • GPS (Simple RTK2B - basic starter kit)
  • Wheel angle sensor (landcover height sensor)
  • 24v DC motor for (fidgets)

I can stream NTRIP corrections from a local CORS station. I also plan to 3D print steering cogs & a case for the PCB.

Am I correct in this list of hardware?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


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Sounds about right… You’ll need a 12-24 v converter, as the cytron will only put out 12v

Thanks, I have ordered the parts :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help, I have made put the system together and now it is in the tractor working :slight_smile: couldn’t have done it with our the forums