No GPS with simplertk2b and antenna

Hi. I work in program AOGPS. When I put ordinary low cost small antenna, it finds my locations and works normally, but when I connect real antenna (BT-147) via simplertk2b ardusimple board, it only sends NMEA messages but there is no GPS. I can’t get it what is making problem here. I’m trying to simulate work with real antenna and simplertk2b board. Thanks…

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Which NMEA messages? You need GGA and VTG?

There are some words and numbers: GNGSA, GPGSV, NV 37 etc…
Similar is with low cost small antenna, there are also GPGGA, GPRMC, N
53 etc…

But with small antenna, there is shown location but with real antenna, no location…
I don’t know which exactly messages I need… Possibly ADV, GGA, VTG, PTNL,…

At minimum you need GGA. If you want to use GPS speed then also VTG. The rest should be disabled so that you don’t overload AoG’s nmea parser.

How can I disable it?

The arduSimple boards use the F9P by uBlox so you have to use the u-center software from them to change configuration & update firmware. It’s can be confusing using their software as there are a lot of settings & options. It might be best to use Andreas’ saved configuration.


I’ll try. Thank you for your replies and help :slight_smile: