Non-GPS autosteer with AOG

Be aware that pressure sensor and current sensor is already using one of the Ads1115 aux.
In AOG v5 it one of the possible settings.
Edit 23/06/21:
The statement above is only correct for AOG V4.
Removed link as it is no longer relevant, Because AOG V5 (for faster WAS readings/PID loop) can only use one ADS1115 input.
Leading to, as stated later in this thread, Standard AOG V5 now uses Nano A0 for pressure or Current sensors.

In the 80’s I sold Sukup the patent for this.

[Pardon Our Interruption]

Simple row sensor - pivot centered on row with 2 feelers a switch is activated that triggers the solenoid and runs the cylinder, shifting the mounted imp. sideways. Steer the imp. not the tractor.


it no longer works with v5 you only can use one channel to be able to read several channels you have to use the ADS1015 library as v4. v5 uses ADS1115_lite ADS1115-Lite/examples/ADS1115_lite at master · terryjmyers/ADS1115-Lite · GitHub
or add a second ads1115

I think the Arduino’s own ADC would probably work. That being said I have modified the autosteer ino to read ch 0 for WAS and ch 2 & 3 for my sprayer section pressures, it seems to work, it slows down the WAS reading frequency because the ADS has to switch it’s input MUX but it still reads fast enough for 20hz.

What kind of sensor do you use for section pressure?

I could not open your link to Lite ino (Google fault 404)
I missed that info about the Lite version for ADS1115, which Brian also tell us about in post 36 in the V5.1.4 Release thread.

Here is an answer to a question in post 81 in the V5.1.4 Release thread.
Is that answer still valid or is there any other info about how to connect the current sensor using AOG V5 ?

150 PSI
0.5-4.5 V

They still work after a year.

I updated the link and as specified on v5 the pressure transducer connects to A0 otherwise you have to modify the ino and change the ads1115 library but this slows down the ino and I did not test the consequences on guidance

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RTK is so cheap I cut my lawn with it, two f9p’s are not a big investment, own your own base station! No subscriptions required.

Two Sparkfun F9P’s and radios are $850Cdn

Two Emlid M2’s and loras are $1400Cdn, Paid for itself in my time and fuel savings cutting the lawn in one season.

Great, it would be good to have right on the screen. Good to compare sections to check solenoid valves.

That’s what I did on v3, replaced the section number with pressure readings but with v5 I’m lost again as to where to add a custom PGN in AoG.

Also, I’d like to decouple AoG’s section on/off command from the coverage painting and instead use a feedback from the pressure sensors. That’s kind of what I do now, “commanding” the sections on/off from the Arduino based on pressures but I can’t have AoG output auto section control this way.

A couple of good ideas. So in the second one the painting would only show when the section valve has turned on as opposed to when it should be on. I had this trouble for quite a while where one solenoid was not always working. The wiring was too light causing a voltage drop. If the pressure for the section had been displayed I would have known right away.

I don’t know when to clone the master and start modifying, I think there’s still a lot of tweaks and improvements coming.

From experience if you clone, they will tweak. But it gives you good experience.

Lately, I’ve started inserting a Custom.cs. then I simply need to insert if (!isCustom) run normally, else (do my stuff) at each location. All my values and declarations are in the custom.cs and I don’t have to recreate everything.


Sounds like you know that you’re doing, any chance you could show me around a bit? Maybe record a video of you adding your custom.cs file and explain how to add a custom pgn?

Well, I’m learning. I don’t know how to add a custom pgn. But I was looking last night to see. Doesn’t look real bad.

In v3 it was pretty straight forward but now I’m lost as to where the PGN is defined and parsed. I found some of the definitions and some of the serial parsing but I couldn’t find the UDP parsing. It also looked to me like each serial input needed the parsing code individually but again, I need a good tour of the structure.


A tour?? I’d be up for that!!!

Time for a 37 hour video on how aog works. It is quite a beast now - especially with multiple applications communicating via local udp.

Ok, so this could basically work the same as sidehill compensation does now. Add a bit of steer angle to the all finished steer angle computed for guidance thereby nudging the vehicle a bit left or right. AOG “thinks” its on the line - but of course using integral would be out. it would try to minimize that forced bit of turning to center on the row.

Neat project.

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The gps lawn mower sound interesting, any info’ would be great!