Not founding GPS AIO 4.1 micro

I’d try reinstalling the Teensy firmware, it’s often the cause of problems like this.

Looks like you’ve everything correct from what I can see.

I have antenna on roof and I have seen cordinates in u-center. Should light be green if F9P in corficted correctly?

Have you got u center running in the background when you open agio? There was definitely a problem with u centre blocking a comm port but that was when connecting via usb

No. Usb cable is off then plug ethetnet

I will go and try with new teensy. Should leds be more brighter? Specially lowest(is it switch led) led is so dim that it it hard to see it.

What are you powering it with? Is it in the tractor or do you have it on the bench?

It is on tractor and power comes from socket. I think it is 25A socket but it will measure that it has 12v. It has 5v and 3.3v for teensy, bno and f9p.

You can tryout the standard Teensy firmware (not the CAN-Version), just to see if it’s working. What is the serial monitor saying ?

How did you transfer and save the *rover.txt ? Check out if the configuration exists after resetting the micro !!

I didn’t have other teensys here so I’m testing the same than before

It’s very specific firmware, may be Panda Mode p=115200/ 460800 should be adjusted right to *rover.txt

You should display the actual micro config in ucenter( View- Configuration View- xxx)

May be its better to try out the standard firmware first.

I uploaded autosteer_gps_teensy_v4_1 and

Leds are much more brighter and f9p leds are blinking red and green

Use “P” to set Panda to 460800

After that it started working!!! THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!

Next project is to lern how to use it properly

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