Novatel Smart-AG

So I have Novatel Smart-ag antenna laying around, but the problems is that I have had several unsuccessful attempts connecting to it via serial connection, to figure out why it doesn’t give out any GPS data. Has anyone had similar problem? Ideally I would like to make it base station. Previously it was used for Farmergps.

Do you mean you cannot get even any NMEA data from the receiver?

Have you tried different baud rates, both serial ports?

Are you trying to connect from a generic serial communications app or are you using the Novatel Connect app? My Novatel MR10 tends to fail with Novatel Connect unless I first send a CR character from a serial monitor program.

If I got the specs right from Novatel, this is a L1 GPS/Glonass receiver. I don’t think it makes sense to build a base with this receiver. You should aim at a dual frequency (min) and four constellation GNSS receiver like the ublox F9P or similar.

Have tried driffrent baudrates and ports (with port 1 I had one successful connection but no more). It is just like brick that has 2 leds that light up. Have tried 2 different Novatel Connect programms and Novatel Config.

I’m using Noavatel Antennas with AOG on some machines. The Antenna different GPS signals that are not useful for AOG. Download the Novatel tool from and configure the Novatel antenna with it. AOG need GGA and VTG if i remeber correctly.

If this is the antenna that comes with the Leica Mojomini, then it works fine with programs for parallel driving via Bluetooth with old tablets and smartphones, for example Samsung Galaxy S3, but with modern gadgets with this antenna for some reason it is not possible to transmit and receive data normally, maybe it’s the bluetooth antenna module that may not be compatible with new versions, and if you can’t connect to a new gadget, then maybe it makes sense to replace the bluetooth antenna module with a new version that will provide normal communication

Which new phone are you having bluetooth connectivity issues with the Novatel antenna? I understand if you are talking about iPhones but other operating systems (phones and computers etc.) maintain backwards compatibility (excluding some rare bugs where a SW update should help).

The antenna is like this, it connects via bluetooth to all gadgets, but the data is received normally and only old gadgets work with this antenna, for example Samsung Galaxy S3, which were released with this antenna at about the same time, it connects to other modern Android smartphones but the data does not arrive or with errors and normal operation with this antenna does not work, the antenna settings are the same in all cases

I have used my S21fe with one of these Antennas. Usually it’s only with bluetooth serial terminal app to configure the receiver. All the nmea data seems to show in serial terminal app ok. What app are you using on your phone?

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To tune the antenna Software | Lefebure, for parallel driving for example AgriBus Navi and other similar applications for Android

Can’t say I’ve tried the agibus Navi app. I have used the lefebure config app but I prefer to use a serial terminal app to configure the receiver, this way you can see the response from the receiver to each command you send and the nmea data being output on bluetooth.
I have used one of these receivers with agopen on a surface go3 but for some reason the tablet would ask to pair the bluetooh every few starts so changed to a serial wired connection and have no problems.

Everything is correct, the bluetooth antenna communicates well only with old smartphones and tablets, with new gadgets with modern versions of bluetooth, for some reason the connection is not stable, regardless of the application