Panda Autosteer [RESOLVED]

Panda board is not suitable for autopilot?, thanks for the feedback.

Why you think that?

If you want to do autosteer you need another plate: (v2, kaupoi, all in one) the panda plate is only to synchronize the reading of the imu with that of the gps, which helps to keep the direction much more stable, but it does not do autosteer

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Got it, thanks.

A single scheme for everything.

If you want a single board the AIO pcb does autosteer and panda

Got it, I’ll go to Google, or here on the forum, thanks.

Looking quickly, the panda doesn’t make sense for autosteer, because when you insert a BNO in kaupoi you get results! But I’ll look into it more…thanks.

Might be easier to say what you actually want to do and want to achieve, what do you want to steer and you’ll get a recommendation on what board to use. The aio is the most common for most scenario’s

I bought two boards from a friend, kaupoi and panda, so should I use kaupoi, if not both, my soil is flat and I will have an rtk to help, that would be my question!

I’ve been using AOG since 2021 and even if the terrain is flat you will get much straighter lines if you have kaupoi and panda. At first I didn’t use panda, but when I implemented it, the steering moves less and the lines are perfect (even if you have rtk, which we all do)

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Panda is synchronizing the latest GPS position reading with the BNO so virtually no time difference between the two. My Panda lives in a little box on top of the rear axel, together with the Teensy, so "swinging " is kept to a minimum. The BNO doesn’t like swinging too much and starts to exaggerate. It gets the position from the GPS via a serial connection and the Teensy sends the whole lot to AOG throug the ethernet connection. For the steering part I use Kaupoi as well. Works fine for me.


Yes, I will use both solutions! Thank you everyone for your prompt response.