I getting ready to order all the parts to build my first PCB to autosteer my Tractor. I have been reading the discussions about the AOG PCB. Some discussions lately mentioned the change for some parts for AOG version 5.2. For example, one post mentioned that the MMA8452Q should be replaced with Bno080/Bno085 is that true? Are there any other parts that need to be changed for using V5.2?
If you use BNO 080-85 or cmps14, you will get angle values for both yaw and roll axes. (my preference is BNO ) MMA8453 and BNO055 are IMUs that are no longer recommended.
There are 4 automotive relays on the list, 2 socketed, 2 solder in. Pick one type and order one of one type.
Also the screw terminals, its good to have them for your first board for quick wire swapping. But if you are boxing it you can solder directly from the board to the box connections saving a pile.
The first board is the tough board, then the rest are very easy to tweak and duplicate. The feeling of achievement is high once you have the first one working on a tractor.
Then you will go nuts and build out the other 9 boards you got from jlcpcb
I was trying to order the parts from Digikey but the “CAP ALUM 1000UF 20% 35V RADIAL” is not in stock and there is any direct replacement so would any 1000UF 20% 35V radial capacitor work? I found this one:
Yes it would work.
Byt compared to the one I got a year ago it is 4 mm higher/longer, but if the height above the pcb is a problem, you probably could place it on the side instead.
I ordered all the parts to build the PCB. I am using the parts from the BOM but I ordered BNO085 instead of MMA 8453. I am still waiting for the parts to arrive so I am trying to read as many posts as possible to get familiar with building the PCB. I am using the board to steer the tractor only, I am not using a section control or anything else at the moment. I have three questions for now that I can not find an answer for:
1- What Arduino files do I need to use for the board? There are many folders in the support folder for the PCB.
2- Should I assemble the board first and then load the settings to the Arduino Nano or load the settings and then assemble the board?
3- There is a discussion about AOG without WAS and it shows some promising results but it still needs some work as mentioned in this post: