Pgn for Sprayer Rates

Found rate pgn for JICase 4520 Titan Floater

pgn = 61184

Note: You must be mapping to see this data on the CAN bus:
When byte [0] == 32, 
 FieldTotal = byte[2] * 256 + byte [1], this will increment for each active rate
 Node Id =  byte[3] + byte[4] * 256

In my test, id for
node1 = (2*256) + 32 
node2 = (1 * 256) + 240
node3 = (0 * 256) + 3

Rate = change in field total / time. I have not tuned in the exact equation for rate yet to match the jicase display. I suspect that other JICase machines may be using the same pgn, but need to check.

Has anyone else deternined other pgns for JICase sprayer/spreader machines ? JD machines?