Hello everyone.
I want to run the AOG_Autosteer_ESP32 version of friend MTZ8203(AOG_Autosteer_ESP32/AOG_Autosteer_ESP32 at master · mtz8302/AOG_Autosteer_ESP32 · GitHub)
, but I have a question about the input and output pins.
uint8_tAutosteer LED_PIN = 19
means the physical pin of the ESP32 module or some other ???
I plan to use
Moduł D1 R2 WiFi ESP8266 zgodny z Wemos i Arduino | HOBBY-STORE
Thank you in advance for your answer
here’s a snippet of code
// IO pins --------------------------------
// set to 255 for unused !!!!!
uint8_t SDA = 32;//21 //I2C Pins
uint8_t SCL = 15;//22
uint8_t AutosteerLED_PIN = 19; //light on active autosteer
uint8_t LEDWiFi_PIN = 18; //light on WiFi connected, flashes on searching Network
uint8_t LEDWiFi_ON_Level = HIGH; //HIGH = LED on high, LOW = LED on low
uint8_t Relay1_PIN = 255;
uint8_t Relay2_PIN = 255;
uint8_t Relays_ON = HIGH; //HIGH = Relay on high, LOW = Relay on low
uint8_t W_A_S = 255; //PIN for Wheel Angle Sensor (none, if ADS used)
uint8_t WORKSW_PIN = 39; //PIN for workswitch (can be analog or on/off switch see WorkSW_mode)
uint8_t STEERSW_PIN = 5; //Pin for steer button or switch (see SteerSwitch)
uint8_t REMOTE_PIN = 255; //PIN for AOG autosteer ON/OFF
uint8_t encA_PIN = 255; //Pin for steer encoder, to turn off autosteer if steering wheel is used
uint8_t encB_PIN = 255; //Pin for steer encoder, to turn off autosteer if steering wheel is used
uint8_t PWM_PIN = 17; //PWM Output to motor controller (IBT2 or cytron)
uint8_t DIR_PIN = 16; //direction output to motor controller (IBT2 or cytron)