Pivot guidance line off center

I’m having a couple issues trying to use the pivot guidance track. I’ve tried it in different machines and I end up with similar results. As I am under center pivot irrigation I farm in circles so I was excited to find the pivot guidance track options.

I set the center of the pivot using the machines gps attenna moved over the irrigation system pivot. I believe I have removed all the offsets. As I can come in from a different direction and move the attenna back over the pivot and it appears to be centered. However when I drive the path generated it ends up being about off center by about a machine or implement width. As evident by the wheel track of the irrigation machine.

The other issue is I am not able to center the path to the machine usually in an ab curve I can hit the double arrow button and the path center under the machine but in this mode it is always off and if you try to shift it it snaps to a different pass. It is possible to drive to the existing path however.

I would like to use this as ab curve had its own set of quirks when used in a circle. I have used aog for a few years using ab curve.

Follow-up after doing some more testing. The error in concentricity doesn’t correlate to machine or implement width settings but does get proportionately worse the larger the machines radius from the center is.

Sorry to keep replying to my own thread. But, after continued testing i think i’m going to move this to the bugs category. The Pivot guidance path doesn’t seem to be making a constant radius circle. I have tested both in simulator and in the physical world using flags on the guidance line going back to the pivot in showing difference raidii in different cardinal directions. This also would probably resolve my second issue as I think the guidance line is being snapped to the radius that the machine is at but the machine may not be on the guidance path where that radii exists. Have been digging some in the code but not found the issue.


Also experiencing the same problems.

Track not circular or concentric, assuming it’s to do with the slope of the field, creating an ellipse.
can not shift the line to current position or from side to side
Cannot shift from one line to the other in the desired direction. Almost as if it sees the other side of the circle, just wants to shift towards the center of the pivot.
Also having issues with pass to pass repeatability.

Any suggestions?

Ps. I’m in South Africa

I made some notes here…

There was a bug or two in the code. The “team” not sure what to call them made some updates in the source code but that wasn’t in the released version when I was using it last month. I tested the new version by installing the source code and it made round circles. I need to go back and verify they are round circles concentric about the center point in the real world, but in simulator it seemed right at least a constant radius.

Thanks @desertfarmer

Will give that a try.

We’re did you get the source code to upload. Currently running v6.3.3.

The source code is on the GitHub as well but you have to build it to an executable file yourself. If you are familiar with doing this you can disregard anything below.

It took me a bit to figure out the first time I did it so hopefully something I learned can save someone some time. Instead of downloading an executable file like you probably did for v6.3.3 you have to build it on your own machine.

The way I did it was using “visual studio” not “visual studio code” they sound similar but one doesn’t work for this task.

Instead of downloading “Most [Stable AgOpenGPS Release]”

You’ll download the source code folder or clone it to your visual studio. Then that contains a .sln file that visual studio should recognize to know how to build it. I googled something like.

“how to build sln file in visual studio code”.

To work through the details on this.

Hola! Que tan grande es la deformación del círculo? Si la pirámide del equipo de riego está sujeta con cadenas que permiten que la misma se incline puede hacer que las huellas del equipo de riego no sean perfectos círculos… Saludos

Otro factor a considerar es que en la clase CNMEA se calculan los metros por grado de latitud y longitud mPerDegreeLat y mPerDegreeLon con formulas que son aproximaciones. Si hay discrepancias en los calculos de mPerDegreeLat y mPerDegreeLon, un circulo puede terminar siendo una elipse. Seria interesante implementar ProjNet en AGOpenGPS para ver si estos errores desaparecen. Saludos!