Pivot guidance track not a constant radius circle

I have been a user for a few years now. Mostly farm in irrigated circles. I have used ABcurve but wanting to transition to the pivot guidance track for various reasons. I have been testing it lately as it has never seemed to work as expected.

Upon testing I have found the generated path to not be a constant radius. I have tested this in simulator using flags and checking the distance to the pivot. I have also tested in the physical world with similar results with the delta in error increasing as the distance from the center increases. I have also had issues snapping the guidance line to the machines location but I think that can be explained by the guidance path being a non constant radius.

I have been digging through the code some but not found where the paths are built.


Thanks for letting us know there’s an issue, @desertfarmer.

The generated path is increasingly offset the greater the distance from the center point, which explains the errors you’re seeing.

update merged with master #417


Wanted to write a follow-up after having some time to play with the updates for anyone else using this feature. Awesome team to have responded with a fix so quickly. The generated path is now a constant radius and not having that line to the center is an added bonus.

A couple notes. With how it is now you need to use pure pursuit as in Stanley the program gets lost when it crosses over the true north line from the pivot. It will not disengage but either tries to turn around or just continues at the previous heading until it picks up a path again. In pure pursuit it works as expected. Also you turn isn’t selectable in either Stanley or pure pursuit but I haven’t had as much time to dig into that.