Purple arrow

Why do I have the purple arrow in the bottom right of screen please ?

I am not at a computer, but I know the description for all colours are at almost bottom of manual

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Purple is no steering module/controller connected/detected. Make sure in AGIO that the steering module is connected and is green and not red.


Correct. I was getting this when the 12v circuit was disabled.

I believe purple means that it can see the 5v circuit, but not the 12v…?

Thank you - I’ve now fixed that. I had the wrong can bus ino loaded on the Arduino.
However now have other issues.
When I try to select the source table on ntrip to fine my mount, it either says up invalid or AgIO freezes and says not responding.
So have GPS single but can’t get rtk.
Can (faulty) leads and hubs cause problems with this sort of thing ?

I have 1.13 on both base and rover firmware and Andreas’ base and rover configs for 1.13

Also as soon as I touch her source table Agopen often says ‘I’m lost’.

Version 5.6.2

EDIT: tried deleting and then reinstalling Agopen and also a new mice usb cable. Seems to be working ok now. Thank you

Hi guys, I’m working with pcbV2 from 2022 and yesterday the steering module couldn’t connect. My usb cable is working with other device, Arduino on light is ok, rx light is blinking, but tx is not.

Can someone give advice?

Since it is some years old, try those two things. First reseat the nano, as it could have corroded /dry connections. Next take out the ads1115 as it can fail. AOG will recognise nano without the ads, just show full steering to one side.

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Yes, ads1115 unplug, plug and it’s working. I was focused in cleaning the Arduino connections.
Larsvest, thank you from my heart!

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