I will use QGIS to map my fields and the coordinates want to save in our national coordinate system (CRS). As gnss receiver I am using F9P and our national correction service, which is using VRS (virtual reference stations). The corrections are send as ETRS89 (ETRF2000). Now if the corrections ETRS89 are, the F9P should give Lat and Lon to ETRS89 corrected. ZED-F9P Integration Manual : https://www.u-blox.com/en/docs/UBX-18010802 on bottom of the site 87 . There are then needed transformations to our coordinates system but that can handle QGIS. The reason of doing this is to eliminate shifting in time and converting ETRS89 to wgs84 with better match. Please can someone confirm or decline this ?
Hi Peter, Iām also planning to use QGIS for creating the field boundaries. I will do this in our Swiss Coordinate Reference System CH1903+/LV95. My RTK correction data are also provided in the CH1903+/LV95 CRS (by swipos). As far as I understand, that combination should work w/o any modification to the standard F9P configuration by Andreas Ortner since F9P is supposed to adapt itself to the CRS in which the RTK correction messages are sent. So if the field boundaries were made in this same CRS, it should work.
Did you test your setup in the field yet? What transformations do you mean by this:
Yes, if you have RTK corrections then your rover uses the same CRS as the base that is sending the corrections to your rover. In Slovakia the CRS that is send via RTK is ETRS89.
What is odd that in the past when I asked the geodetists everyone has said that it is in wgs84. So I tried to convert but never had succes and i was confused. Have figured out that it is much simpler. It is just not true and it is in etrs89. In Slovakia we use JTSK CRS so i need to make a conversion if I want to know the JTSK CRS.
My brother helped me and we made an experiment with AOG. I have made a small field in QGIS, used sticks and rope to mark the field. Then exported the coordinates to the kml and loaded up in AOG. Made an implement 2 m wide. On the antena have attached a 1 m stick and made a AB line 1 m from border. Than we followed with the antena the line and checked how the stick is following the border and it was a really good match.