Re-recording field boundaries

I would like to re-record my field boundaries after recording them last autumn with a friends base station but now using my own.
What I find is when I try to delete the original in the field menu it causes the program to crash.
After recording a new one it sometimes shows as corrupt file.
Is there a better way to do this without deleting the whole field?
Using latest software 6.3.

Start a new field save it with an ending like “home base” or “HB”

Record the new boundary.

This is why the PPP process though long is worthwhile if using more than one base because the datums will be the same and line up.

Another way around this is change your base temporarily to rover, use your friends base to get a fix, write the coordinates down, switch your base back to base mode, manually enter the fix coordinates, and now the datums will line up to each other.

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This is true only if PPP is done without large difference in time. Your option 2 is much better and faster for multi base setup.

My base was setup few years ago, new base will be installed now. If I only do PPP on new base, without coordinates transformation. They will be 7/8cm apart (or more depends on location and actual time difference). Making new base a rover and getting position will sync to old datum of original base and give much better result.

First base always PPP. All others that are in range of original as RTK rovers.

WGS84 will show the tectonic drift.

Using a localized datum for PPP like NAD83 will not drift. Both its reference and the base are riding the same plate. ( unless your in a spot with a volcano making new land )

Many use WGS84. This apply to it.

If your friend’s base is still available then you could reference your base to your friend’s base.

I’m not sure exactly the process, but it’s basically

  • connect your base as a rover to your friend’s base
  • write down your base’s location while connected to your friend’s base
  • use those coordinates for your own base
    Like I said, I’m not sure the exact process. I think U Center has some options to take some position averages and such.

Thanks all for the advice.
I worded the original post badly,it’s not just the recording with a different base.
I’m not happy with how I recorded some of the boundaries so would like to tidy them up now I know more about AOG and the importance of a good permanent boundary.

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i get this issue too :man_shrugging:
i did 1 field yesterday and it crashed,
the next field i deleted the ab lines then area worked then deleted the boundary and it didnt crash so make of that what you will

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