Hey guys,
I am working through setting up my base, currently I am unable to get a RTK fix in u center. I have correct 1.13 FW, have tried ardusimple config and it will show me “time” fix after it surveys in. Have searched through most of the other topics with no success. Aortner config file doesnt show me any fix, have tried also putting in a fixed position config and still no success. Attatched is my current config file, base is called Jensenfarm, using rtk2go and it does show up but not showing rtk fix on my board or in ucenter. Antenna is on my roof and has a completely clear view of the sky, I am sure the problem lies in my setup, and i apologize as i know this particular subject has been covered, but i have been unsuccessful at getting mine up and going. Setup side on the wifi Ntrip is working i think, have Uart2 selected and have it connected to local wifi and pointed to rtk2go server with my login. thanks
Base setup survey in mode.txt (20.9 KB)