RTK-using GEODNET base stations

If you can consume NTRIP at your location, check out what GEDNET is doing. 3600 plus base stations and growing. Can purchase data on a monthly basis for about $50 … no contracts. Or setup your own and contribute to network…units generate a token return so can pay themselves off about a one year ROI. You still need to purchase NTRIP data but if a station within 30 km you should be able to test etc. without spending on a base station. Check out their [ map…(GEOD Network).
I have been testing my unit(s) and get about 1ppm error. So accuracy degrades about 1 cm for every 10 km from a base station…I wouldn’t use a station if more than 30 km away, but could certainly share a base with neighbours (cost split etc.)
I use the RTK solution for my drone survey work etc.

Seems like for $350 one can get a F9P board, Wifi master board and antenna from Ardusimple. Send correction data to rtk2go or Centipde and be done with it. For an extra $200 one can get LR radios and cut out the Internet piece altogether.

Maybe I am misunderstanding the solution.

No you’ve got it right, for the RTK side. However, with this solution unit has paid for itself and since I only fly a few months of the year tokens pay for my data with extra left over. Initial cost was about $1000 CAD from Mapping Network Canada. Set up antenna, plug in unit, tie into 2.4 GHz wifi no mucking about, little metal case about the size of a deck of cards. Now just generating $ so after one year No cost to me, might even make a few Toonies! Forgot…GEODNET offers a free one month trial for data access to test it out… contact support for that.

How does one acquire GEOD tokens? Sorry for the questions but the site does not do a very good job of explaining how it all works.

If you have a GEONET base station, the unit currently generates 4 tokens per hour (24/7/365) if you have a good location (clearsky view).
If you have a MetaMask wallet, you can purchase GEOD tokens on POLYGON. GEODNET is working on a way to directly use your tokens to purchase NTRIP time. You can purchase NTRIP access currently through a number of sources. But I would try a free month first if you have a base nearby you. DM me for specifics on purchase.

As a Decentralized Public Infrastructure Network (DePIN) project I think it fits nicely into the basis behind AgOpenGPS and could reduce costs to producers, as well as provide a backup data source if your own RTK unit goes down…GEODNET NTRIP accesses the entire network not just your own unit?

Seems more like a Decentralized Paid Public Infrastructure Network (DePPIN). Doesn’t openly show a way to use it for RTK corrections unless you pay for it one way or the other.

Appears to be somewhat orthogonal to the ethos of AgOpenGPS which is free to use by all. Same with rtk2go and Centipede for RTK corrections.


For users with 30km (I wouldn’t accept more than 3cm error) they can purchase the data monthly without the cost of a base install…. So about $50/month when using it. Put in a GEODNET base which seems to pays for itself in a year and use the tokens you produce to get NTRIP data.

Purely bottom line for my application it is now all free to me as unit has paid for itself and generates enough ‘income’ to pay for my annual NTRIP needs. Everyone will have different requirements. If more than 2 units needing RTK at exactly the same time may be better to build and stream your own data.

The Mapping Network site describes the base station in part below.

*“MobileCM is a ready-to-use GNSS basestation that will act as an RTK-base station and collect Space Weather data. …”

Any clues to what “space weather” is? Are they talking about the Ionospheric data data in RTCM messages? Where does this space weather data go?

How does one configure their GPS to get RTK corrections from GEODNET? I could not find any info on their site for how to accomplish this task.

Yes they were working with someone on Tropospheric and Ionospheric disturbances etc. likely relating to satellite launches (IMHO).
Best to go to support for specifics. Support@geodnet.com
Request a free month access from support also … just be sure you check the GEODNET map to see if any base is close (<30km) to you.
On an Emlid RS2/3 or DJI drone with RTK (M350RTK or M3E) I simply enter my credentials for my NTRIP account…that’s it. Maybe I’m missing the gist of your question.