
I’m just getting started with Agopengps and I just thought of an additional use for the tablet in the tractor is being a Bluetooth scale head as some seeding implements, fertilizer applicators and grain carts have loadcells on them. It would be nice to be able to get everything into one display.

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I have also been thinking about this,

but I would like AOG to take the scale weight and acre read out in AOG to produce a lbs per acre calculation right in aog.
I think this would be easy enough to to program a separate window like the rate cotrol version is using.
A couple years ago I had a friend help me make a separate app, but the problem has been if some data is lost then the acre meter is no longer correct. if we use the applied acres within AOG then the acres is very accurate.

I made these 2 videos a while back but it gives an idea how it worked.

I just added a total volume and volume per acre counters in AOG using a custom PGN. The Arduino module sends a calibrated volume in whatever units you calibrate it for and AOG shows a total count and per acre. In my case, I’m using a fluid flow meter which triggers an interrupt pin, then divide that count by a calibration factor to get US Gallons but AOG doesn’t know that it’s gallons. I was thinking it could be used to display any type of applied product.

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